Beard, it has 5 words and the first one is the and the last 2 has something to do with a ************, and it is the last 2 letters. Hope i dont get in trouble for that
Man I'm tired today.... stayed up too Late ! Wayne and LSU took me out to a Hot Titty Bar to Celebrate my B'day ..... Man we had a Great time. Those young ladies can really work a Lobster Roll .... known what I mean Vern . Thanks Fellas it was GREAT !!
Ouch.... don't jinx yourself there Mr. RockNRoll !!
It's an awfully Big Garden NOT to HAVE a GARDENER ! JMO
Mornin' all ....
So, Jimmy is THAT your Del Mar pony or are you just funnin' with Leggs ?
I think we can all agree that there is plenty of good and evil in this world, I'll leave it up to you to sort out who is responsible for our actions & perceptions of it.
I saw a stat that over 1 billion people do not believe in god, devil, heaven & hell, many live in china & russia
there are also thousands of religions, and nobody has proof of anything
Man I'm tired today.... stayed up too Late ! Wayne and LSU took me out to a Hot Titty Bar to Celebrate my B'day ..... Man we had a Great time. Those young ladies can really work a Lobster Roll .... known what I mean Vern . Thanks Fellas it was GREAT !!