8 results for: French
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source new!
French /frɛntʃ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[french] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of France, its inhabitants, or their language, culture, etc.: French cooking.
–noun 2. the people of France and their direct descendants.
3. a Romance language spoken in France, parts of Belgium and Switzerland, and in areas colonized after 1500 by France. Abbreviation: F
–verb (used with object) 4. (often lowercase) to prepare (food) according to a French method.
5. (often lowercase) to cut (snap beans) into slivers or thin strips before cooking.
6. (often lowercase) to trim the meat from the end of (a rib chop).
7. (often lowercase) to prepare (meat) for cooking by slicing it into strips and pounding.
8. Slang. to short-sheet (a bed).
9. (often lowercase) Slang (vulgar). to give oral stimulation of the penis or vulva.
Not 1 definition that says anything about French being a color!