Morning Jimmy ... How is the back?? I was sitting in a chair that I should have not been sitting in fixing a computer at work for about an hour on Saturday ... Still suffering the consequences ... its a killer ...
Morning Jimmy ... How is the back?? I was sitting in a chair that I should have not been sitting in fixing a computer at work for about an hour on Saturday ... Still suffering the consequences ... its a killer ...
Morning Joe .... You know I've been dealing with my back for just about 3 years now. By now, you would think I would know my limitations ... NOT .... I played poker Saturday afternoon and had a drink stand next to my seat. Well it got moved from the side of me to just a little further back. Instead of me getting up from my chair to move it back where I could reach my drink, I decided to stay seated and reach for it. Well, that didn't work out at all.
I couldn't move for 15 minutes. The whole time, I was wondering how the hell I was going to leave the casino. After 15 minutes the inflamation must have went down enough to relieve the nerve it was pressing.
So my back is just about getting back to "normal" now.
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"