yeah LSU no more bad beats. F that, i hate bad beats
I just took another one.
I had AA, raised before the flop, got 2 callers. Flop was 9s, 3d, 10d. 1st guy bets, 2nd guy calls, so I move all in. 1st guy calls, 2nd guy folds. 1st guy shows Js, 10s. Turn was a 7d, river was another 10.
I'm so fuckin pissed right now :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
i had a bad beat last night. i had 9,9 25/25 table. mind you i play for free money. not real $$$$ so its different. flop comes out 4,9,10 I made my set on the flop. i'm 1st to act so i bet 300. everyone folds but 1 guy. turn is a 6. i bet 1st and bet $500 the guy calls. Note everyone has about 2500 to start. so river comes up J. i orignally was thinking he was calling cause he had 10's in his hand. i checked he bet so i called. he shows q,k suited. he made his straight. i was pissed, i would have been ok if he had trip 10's