will do where is the best place to play craps and blackjack?
depends, on what your looking for. 10x odds craps, 20x odds craps and so on. go to some of the older smaller places. they offer all kinds of crazy odds and stuff. as for black jack, its really all the same.
if your gonna play black jack, go to the IP (imperial palace) they have $5 tables galore. Also, they have the stiffest drinks in town. decor sucks but about that, besides RJ.
kb.. have fun out in vegas... You gotta go to Cheetahs and talk to my girl Maria.. she's about 4ft tall phillipina chick with hair down to her ass... boy, she got some moves!!! Mirage sportsbook is great.. When you go downtown make sure you go to the EL Cortez... That place is faaaaannnntastic!! Tell the pitboss BT says hello.