Doc, My fiance bought me a Baseball signed by Papelbon. It is pretty cool and with a ticket of authenticity!
Right now his baseball is going for $100 bucks on ebay... If he continues to stay on track he could be up there with the save leaders by end of career. I got my joba chamberlain ball which is going for $250 at the moment. I need to get a COA for that as well. I doubt i would ever sell it, unless the right price comes along
Let me guess what you got...In not particular order
A keg of Bud
A Dale Jr Poster
A beer funnel
tickets to Daytona 500 in Feb
A gift card to supercuts to get your mullet cut
New tires for my truck. Miller Lite hood off one of Kurt Busch's cars. My dad has a patient that works for Miller. Got it for me. Can't believe how light those hoods actually are
New tires for my truck. Miller Lite hood off one of Kurt Busch's cars. My dad has a patient that works for Miller. Got it for me. Can't believe how light those hoods actually are
Kyle, when you get old, you get brown socks and underwear
New tires for my truck. Miller Lite hood off one of Kurt Busch's cars. My dad has a patient that works for Miller. Got it for me. Can't believe how light those hoods actually are
By the way, I know this guy down here who is good friends with Hendricks and Dale Jr. I guess he is one of those guys who tests cars out. He told me he is going to daytona in january to start testing them for the 500. I'm not really sure what he does but i'll see him again next sunday. He might be my connection to getting tickets