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  • i am going to light a candle and repeat my "i am a good person"mantra now

    JC....please send positive energy my way


    • Originally posted by TwoTonTony are mistaken....i am not is lunacy to argue with a lunatic.....the only offense i take is being labeled a racist by you.......other than that i could give a fuck what a punk thinks.....especially a yellow bellied one.....

      milk the prostate thing a little was funny the first time.....not the 101st.......BIG BAD KAZ DOG......
      You're killing man. guess you can't take a joke. If you're going to revert to name calling Tony, then you should be willing to accept it as well. Go back and look at any of my responses to you and see if I called you any names. Just shows that you're the one acting like a 'punk' who can't argue civilly.

      Call me all the names you like pal, if it makes you feel better. Doesn't bother me a bit. I'm laughing. I have nothing against you. I just think it's funny how many times you've tried to convince Monte that you don't side to the right, yet you are always arguing and posturing for the Right ....

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
        i lean to whichever way the cock you are sucking is facing

        I like it so much more when you do that to someone else

        Cause thats funny
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • Originally posted by BettorsChat
          Used Register
          Last Activity: Today 01:26 PM
          Viewing Forum Post your Picks @ 01:26 PM

          15 minutes

          damn, the dawg is kinky
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
            i lean to whichever way the cock you are sucking is facing

            i keep laughing at this, that is so damn funny
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • Originally posted by KazDog
              You're killing man. guess you can't take a joke. If you're going to revert to name calling Tony, then you should be willing to accept it as well. Go back and look at any of my responses to you and see if I called you any names. Just shows that you're the one acting like a 'punk' who can't argue civilly.

              Call me all the names you like pal, if it makes you feel better. Doesn't bother me a bit. I'm laughing. I have nothing against you. I just think it's funny how many times you've tried to convince Monte that you don't side to the right, yet you are always arguing and posturing for the Right ....


              #1 i only called you a name after you accused me of being a racist because i do not agree with you (see white sheet comment)

              #2 I do not convince anyone that i am not on the right.....I am on many issues.....My main point is that i go issue by issue and i do not agree with every thing the rep. stand for....I gave you 4 of them, but you persist with your BS

              #3 I do not argue....I simply give my opinion...especially when it comes to business since i have owned several and employed many....(so that is from experience and as i see it....yet you are quick to dismiss anyones opinion other than your own as pure folly).....i at least respect and listen to others.....i.e. i was not for the increase in min. wage until i heard peoples side of the story here. #2 I was for the patriot act until monte brought up genuine concerns and possible abuses it could cause......So how the fuck can you say i always lean and argue for the right....Those are 2 examples that show i listen to others, evaluate evidence and make a decision. (executives do that unbiased).....where is any original thought (other than you showing me fingering a guy) that you have shown that is not far left....(do not answer because i could care less what you think).......Just be careful labeling someone a racist and then get a little snippy cuz someone fires across your bow.....

              got it little man
              Last edited by TwoTonTony; 11-16-2007, 01:39 PM.


              • Originally posted by jcindaville
                I like it so much more when you do that to someone else

                Cause thats funny

                I am legit.....Stuck at home today...sick as a dog.....Hate not working


                • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                  I am legit.....Stuck at home today...sick as a dog.....Hate not working

                  So that's why I'm not getting bombarded....

                  Your sick and not in your right mind, otherwise, I figured with you at home and not working the short jokes would be flying!


                  • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                    #1 i only called you a name after you accused me of being a racist because i do not agree with you (see white sheet comment)
                    got it little man
                    You're so full of yourself sometimes.....

                    Here's what you called me before I made any comment to you about pressing your white sheet.....

                    "go save a whale you spineless jellyfish."
                    "i wasn't behind the patriot act nor the war idiot........if i want to break your fucking nose i will kick hillary in the fat ass"
                    "He is an idiot anyways"

                    You can dish it out Tony but I guess you can't take it. Whatever. I was busting your balls, but I see that you can't handle it when someone does it to you.
                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • There he is....Mr. Right Wing, but I don't vote that way. But I'll defend every right handed stance on here....


                      here is where it all started compadre'....nobody was talking to you......yet you chimed in....yesterday you had a hard-on for me and created a photo shop......which is ok......

                      i am going to type slowly you ultra-sensitive fuck.....

                      you threw a few comments.....i threw a few comments....all pretty light.....except when someone does not agree with the almight KAZDOG they are a racist.....To me that is not funny and is uncalled for....In return i responded......

                      That is how i see it....Call it what you will and keep defending i could care less....

                      Ask most guys here i am zero full of myself.....I love to joke.....but guys like you want to prove how right you are and shit on anyone elses opinion who disagrees with you......

                      You are comical.......Now lets go our seperate ways buddy


                      • Maybe we should have the 1st annual BC celebrity boxing match.


                        Two Ton Tony


                        • Originally posted by TheRook
                          So that's why I'm not getting bombarded....

                          Your sick and not in your right mind, otherwise, I figured with you at home and not working the short jokes would be flying!

                          nah are flying UNDER the radar.....

                          Hey all good luck tonight.....i am going to bed....


                          • Originally posted by longnex
                            Maybe we should have the 1st annual BC celebrity boxing match.


                            Two Ton Tony
                            it is 5'10" 202 pounds of twisted steel you motherfucker.....get it right bro.....

                            i do not like fighting.....i love it!!! got it hillbilly

                            maybe i can pour you a nice tall glass of "mind your own fucking buisness"


                            • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                              it is 5'10" 202 pounds of twisted steel you motherfucker.....get it right bro.....

                              i do not like fighting.....i love it!!! got it hillbilly
                              Wow, Kaz was right about the name calling.


                              • Originally posted by longnex
                                Wow, Kaz was right about the name calling.

                                he was dead fucking on their "backwoods" go cook me up some catfish before i set fire to your moonshine operation

