Dear 8 pound 6 ounce Baby Jesus, please help Rook become an adult and stop watching wrastling
Dear little baby Jesus, who's sittin' in his crib watchin the Baby Einstein videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors....please help JC understand that rasslin is just entertainment (unless your on roid rage) and that everyone still has that kid inside them.
Dear little baby Jesus, who's sittin' in his crib watchin the Baby Einstein videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors....please help JC understand that rasslin is just entertainment (unless your on roid rage) and that everyone still has that kid inside them.
Dear baby Jesus, please help Rook understand that rasslin is for Hicks and lil retards who should be excersising to lose there front porches instead of sitting on the couch and eating cheese fries