chillin. got a long day ahead of me. working 12-4 then going to wedding 5-11pm should be fun but lots going on. what up with you?
Sounds fun We have a tax free weekend here where if you buy like school supplies or clothes or shit you dont have to pay taxes. Well my son starts school this year so we are going to take advantage of that shit today
chillin. got a long packaged stud behind me. working him from 12-4 then going to our friends gay wedding from 5-11pm should be fun as a lot of hot single men are going. what up with you?
Was it really necessary to share that Bry...thats just gross....keep your personal life to yourself....
Sounds fun We have a tax free weekend here where if you buy like school supplies or clothes or shit you dont have to pay taxes. Well my son starts school this year so we are going to take advantage of that shit today
So if you buy him a Mr T starter kit of bling bling you dont have to pay taxes