sorry jc, lots going on around here. next week will be different. our office is in the process of moving so stuff is everywhere. we are packing. also a coworker of mine died this morning. he was only in his early 60's. 2yrs away from retirement. worked for our company sense it opened 27yrs ago. I was just BSing with him friday about baseball. him and his family were on vacation this week in rhode island. Really sad, he was a nice guy. just puts stuff in perspective for me.
sorry jc, lots going on around here. next week will be different. our office is in the process of moving so stuff is everywhere. we are packing. also a coworker of mine died this morning. he was only in his early 60's. 2yrs away from retirement. worked for our company sense it opened 27yrs ago. I was just BSing with him friday about baseball. him and his family were on vacation this week in rhode island. Really sad, he was a nice guy. just puts stuff in perspective for me.
Great, Im friggen whining cause im bored and now you gotta tell me that. Geeze, i fill like a complete fucking tool.
Im sorry to hear that, i always fill for the guy who works his whole life and dies without enjoying any of his retirement.
I forgot your office was moving, i will keep my pie hole
So JC ... Zeib and Nex nominated you, and the Kaptain told me he would nominate you .... So you are telling me that you'll just spit in their face and say "I'm not running?" Kaptain, Nex, and Zeib are not your friends?
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"