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  • Originally posted by wayne1218
    You tell me in a PM to basically get more involved with posters and i didn't respond to that either. Why is that? Maybe because i'm here at your site 24/7 keeping people busy, active and friggin' involved. If you would take the time doing what you asked of me instead of copying & pasting ace-ace picks, all "Your" members here would certainly appreciate it.

    How do you think my fiance fucken feels when i write out $200 or $300 in checks for people here in free contests? I don't do that shit for her Monte and she doesn't understand it. We are getting married and that could be used in other areas, trust me. I do it for you 1st and the members 2nd. All in All, it is to your benefit and i never asked for a dime in return. Contest, records, photo & Nascar forums were all brought on by me. I could go on forever but why bother. It has been done with "You" and "Your" site in mind since day fucken 1 for me here. I've defended you and your forum until i'm breathless yet, you react like you do yesterday and today? I should be your right hand man here and treated like GOLD if you want the truth. Is that wrong or arrogant to say? I certainly don't think so. Have i EVER posted links to other forums, no matter what i say? Fuck ... NO! ALL i've done here is give to you and your site with nothing asked in return.

    Holly shit me copying and pasting ACE ACE is taking away from the forum. Too bad that it was ok when I did it for Football huh? People thanking me saying shit fade this fade that. Nobody wanted to be on his side. Now I'm doing it for hoops and the person that complains is my so called right hand man, but he does it in the post. He doesn't e-mail me or PM stating that people are complaining about it. WHY?

    As for the contests that you're writing checks out for that money is covered by every contestant that has entered their fee. And i've thanked you over and over for running those contests! And you know that for a fact.

    I didn't bring this site up from ground zero and get it to where it is did I? Shit I could bring in a ton of more people as there are ways, but do you think I want to highlight myself right now? I may not even be in business in 6 months do you get that? And its because of a fucking dip stick republican then I have people giving me shit about Democrats....LMFAO. Funny how staunch republicans on this site don't see how a prick frist is ruining things, but IPods cell phones etc. are the problems. Clinton killed people, pelosi needs a bigger fucking plane. If anything people on this site should be bitching about what that frist the prick did.

    Obviously my PM to you skipped right over you.


    • Originally posted by 10DimeBry
      who the fuck are you to judge anyone on what they have on their plate?? i think alot of us here have issues, myself included. and you dont know me or anyone else. So to say you have more on your plate is a joke. Get a clue!!!!
      I agree. I'm red in the face right now i'm so irritated by such a stupid fucken comment. He wants to see a full plate to match his? I could start with my fucken mother who is on her death bed or 100 other issues that are going on right now that go well beyond finances/Life. I better not say anymore right now.


      • Originally posted by BettorsChat
        Holly shit me copying and pasting ACE ACE is taking away from the forum. Too bad that it was ok when I did it for Football huh? People thanking me saying shit fade this fade that. Nobody wanted to be on his side. Now I'm doing it for hoops and the person that complains is my so called right hand man, but he does it in the post. He doesn't e-mail me or PM stating that people are complaining about it. WHY?

        As for the contests that you're writing checks out for that money is covered by every contestant that has entered their fee. And i've thanked you over and over for running those contests! And you know that for a fact.

        I didn't bring this site up from ground zero and get it to where it is did I? Shit I could bring in a ton of more people as there are ways, but do you think I want to highlight myself right now? I may not even be in business in 6 months do you get that? And its because of a fucking dip stick republican then I have people giving me shit about Democrats....LMFAO. Funny how staunch republicans on this site don't see how a prick frist is ruining things, but IPods cell phones etc. are the problems. Clinton killed people, pelosi needs a bigger fucking plane. If anything people on this site should be bitching about what that frist the prick did.

        Obviously my PM to you skipped right over you.
        NO, obviously the fucken PM didn't. Should i have replied with my mom has cancer Monte? Give me a good fucken reason why your problems are so much bigger than mine.


        • Originally posted by 10DimeBry
          who the fuck are you to judge anyone on what they have on their plate?? i think alot of us here have issues, myself included. and you dont know me or anyone else. So to say you have more on your plate is a joke. Get a clue!!!!
          I've seen many people with what they call on their plate as being bad if you want to pony up some money and compare I'll be glad to take your money.


          • Originally posted by wayne1218
            NO, obviously the fucken PM didn't. Should i have replied with my mom has cancer Monte? Give me a good fucken reason why your problems are so much bigger than mine.
            Maybe I should mention that my old man had a stroke and has shit wrong with him. Maybe I should mention to you again that I have numerous health problems, my mother has numerous health problems.

            If you remembered any of my PM's from the past you might have a clue as to why I'm stressed but obviously you didn't give a shit.


            • Originally posted by BettorsChat
              Maybe I should mention that my old man had a stroke and has shit wrong with him. Maybe I should mention to you again that I have numerous health problems, my mother has numerous health problems.

              If you remembered any of my PM's from the past you might have a clue as to why I'm stressed but obviously you didn't give a shit.
              Forget it Monte. I already lost my dad to cancer 2 years ago but bringing my problems on you won't help anything obviously but you can't get beyond your own problems and that's obvious. You are heartless and unfortunately, i mean that.


              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                Forget it Monte. I already lost my dad to cancer 2 years ago but bringing my problems on you won't help anything obviously but you can't get beyond your own problems and that's obvious. You are heartless and unfortunately, i mean that.
                LMFAO you don't know me at all!

                I would help almost fucking anyone!

                If you believe I'm heartless than you can leave the site as I don't give a fuck anymore.


                • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                  I've seen many people with what they call on their plate as being bad if you want to pony up some money and compare I'll be glad to take your money.

                  take my money? for what? you want me to buy the site?
                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • Monte .. it may be a good idea to maybe just view for awhile .. I am saying this as a friend of yours .. you are really starting to irritate some great people on the site and I am sure that is not your intentions ... You were way out of line telling kb to stay out of that thread ... bad move ... that kid is nothing but respectful to all of us here .. and talking to Wayne the way you are?? did someone get your password ... this can not be you pal

                    and if anyone walks to talk about a miserable year they had give me a call sometime ...


                    • Originally posted by Spark
                      Monte .. it may be a good idea to maybe just view for awhile .. I am saying this as a friend of yours .. you are really starting to irritate some great people on the site and I am sure that is not your intentions ... You were way out of line telling kb to stay out of that thread ... bad move ... that kid is nothing but respectful to all of us here .. and talking to Wayne the way you are?? did someone get your password ... this can not be you pal

                      and if anyone walks to talk about a miserable year they had give me a call sometime ...
                      Wayne knows my background and him coming into that ace ace thread is what started all of this shit. He pissed on me! He could have contacted me direct, but he chose not too. If I had did that to him he would have been all over my ass!

                      And as for KB I'm not in the mood to be instigated right now and that's what I'm telling him.


                      • Originally posted by kbsooner21
                        Watch out for Monte. I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed

                        what thread is that in
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                          take my money? for what? you want me to buy the site?
                          Try reading it again and maybe you'll get it.


                          • Originally posted by wayne1218
                            This politics crap is for the fucken birds!!!

                            Monte wonders why he is stressed out. Most of those threads are posted to get a reaction from him and he falls for it every time.

                            Politics & Religion are 2 things not worth arguing over. You will never get people to change their views so why bother. God damn, what a boring/depressing morning here at BC reading this crap thrown back and forth.

                            I have said that from day one since i got here. Not discussing or arguing those topics. I respect peoples opinions on those matters, but that doesnt mean i agree with them.

                            Just like all gay b neckcar threads, they depress me
                            You should have my check by tomorrow for that survivor crap
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                              Wayne knows my background and him coming into that ace ace thread is what started all of this shit. He pissed on me! He could have contacted me direct, but he chose not too. If I had did that to him he would have been all over my ass!

                              And as for KB I'm not in the mood to be instigated right now and that's what I'm telling him.

                              Monte, how did kb know the way you felt this morning?? ... if you just want to piss everyone off just turn the servers off ..


                              • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                                If you PM'ed me with a problem I would at least respond back.

                                Trust me you don't have near the shit on your plate that I have! And i'm taking it out on the board? BS. KB admitted to instigating me. Gbell has been an ass in most of his posts go back and look at them. Then the ACE ACE thread if there was a problem you have my PM and e-mail address!

                                Monte, you ok bro. Seriously i dont think i have seen you worked up like this. You got my email if you need to vent
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

