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Ty Gaston AKA Ben Fraga

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  • #31

    I told you Ben Fraga was apiece of shit! He is a liar and he is just making up the 1 million cash offer. He doesn't have it and he sure doesn't want to challenge a honest person like you Gianni. Just let this a-hole go. He isn't worth the press!


    • #32

      i spoke with my partners and we were willing to have the $100,000 in 5 business days

      so he wants it for $1,000,000

      ooh well!!!

      we did try!!!


      • #33

        Look the a-hole has already signed off. Normally he is on this site the entire day. He is a scumbag loser.


        • #34

          as soon as we came on, he signed off

          he was on when we signed on, now he is gone

          hopefully he will want for the 100k


          • #35

            Originally posted by East Coast
            as soon as we came on, he signed off

            he was on when we signed on, now he is gone

            hopefully he will want for the 100k
            i told you yesterday what he would do................make it so unreasonable that it couldn't happen. great try though!


            • #36
              LOOKS LIKE WE ARE ON!!!


              • #37

                You gotta make it a requirement that everyone gets to view the action.

                I dont care if it is after the game starts, but it has to be in the public view.

                I think it is cool on both sides.. Ben's side and yours.

                Should be great.


                • #38

                  we will post for all to see!!!


                  • #39

                    Ben has nothing to do with this deal, it is me and EC


                    • #40
                      he meant Ben referring to you Ty!!!

                      its only East Coast against Ty Gaston

                      thats it!!!


                      • #41

                        I get a kick out of the fake name game guys do in your line of work.

                        If you arent Ben, then what is your real name? If it is Ty Gaston, then you rent in Vegas..

                        And what possible motivation does BuzzerBeater have to speak about his experience with your organization?

                        I find it hard to believe that it just happened to be the name of your accountant he had and that magically you say that guy works for other services too.

                        His story is too clean to dismiss.


                        • #42

                          i told you guys a while back quit charging so little for your plays, you should have a 100k laying around, you make a huge challenge and then need 5 days? Go borrow the cash from Frankie M.....? Or ask Andy C...?
                          I'd like to bang Kim Bassinger, but she needs 5 days to get ready for me


                          • #43
                            whos Frankie M or Andy C

                            Ty we dont have $100,000 lying around

                            5 days is not long, we will be up and going by next week


                            • #44
                              Buzzer beater

                              once again I stipulated buzzerbeater was a liar, he said on here I am monitored 10 minutes after the start of games by Oklahoma Sports Monitor, outright lie, my attorney Myron Leftwich called to speak to them, They are NOT THE OKLAHOMA SPORTS MONITOR, My attorney called Oklahoma SPorts Monitor and they said Ty Gaston has never been monitored by them. The 888-334-7800 number that buzzerbeater said to call claims they are an independent monitoring company and that Ty Gaston calls them daily and posts his plays, THEY DO NOT HAVE A WEBSITE TO VERIFY ANYTHING THEY SAY ON THE PHONE, THEY CANNOT EMAIL the 39% documentation of plays to verify anything they say, My attorney is checking the phone company's to see who owns that 888-334-7800 number and what number it rings in to and where!

                              So basically, we will find out who the real culprit is, they said they are located at 4439 e 14th way in Kansas City, Kansas 43229 as we speak we have a scout going to the site to see what it is, business, home, etc etc.

                              So like I said before, we do not do business witht he Oklahoma Sports monitor, they can verify that, and we do not do business with any monitoring company in Kansas City, Kansas, and we do not call in plays to any monitoring company. BUZZER BEATER is trying to pull a fast one on all of you and US.



                              • #45
                                Ty, will call you tommorow morning so we can iron out the details of our $100,000 challenge

                                30 days, we will set the number of plays if you would like, and we can make the forum follow all our plays to make it more exciting

                                should be fun!!!!

