How funny is that? Ty's attorney is named "Myron Leftwich". Hmmm, sounds like another made up name, only you substituted an "M" where there should be a "B"
No announcement yet.
Ty Gaston AKA Ben Fraga
I dont recall seeing him say Okl Spts as the monitor, but I agree with you that I doubt you are monitored. You dont see marketing value in doing so, which is your perogative..
How would he get your accountants name? And I think that other guy he named is someone you know..I dont believe that you are the only recipient of WU wires. I imagine that you have 20 guys cold calling/maning the phones, like on the show "Boiler Room" and many people accept wires on your behalf.
If I were to call now I am sure I would get ****** or Frankie or Al on the line...all fake names to boot.
Look at the original posts, there are several of them, he said Oklahoma Sports Monitor, call the fricking number yourself genius 1-888-334-7800 it aint the OSM, its buzzerbeater doing his trash talking lies.
I wouldnt pay anyone to monitor me and then give them my plays for free, My turnip truck is not parked outside with the motor running, but anyone who falls for the 888-334-7800 number stats is as big an idiot as the person who is answering that phone!
Anyone can get our accountants name or our companies names to send money to us. All they have to do is call and say they want to sign up and we give them the bank to bank, western union, visa, master card instructions whatever! The other guy he claims (RON DAVENPORT) on my childs eyes, we do not know him, he dont work for us, he never did, we never had any dealings with him, we dont pull w/u's for him, we dont him, we never heard of him, its all madeup just as that fake monitoring company is made up. Call me ask for frankie or al or whomever, but above all call 888-334-7800 and check out this bullshit monitoring company. I am going to have my auto dialers call it automatically as our system can call 480 calls at one time, if he wants to play that game we can play it also and run up his phone from over 55 different area codes so he cant block em when they start calling his number, you see he thinks he is smart, BUT he isn't, he fucked up!
You said your attorney called and they gave him your percentage over the last year. I am not the liar you are. I never said you the self proclaimed millionaire called your plays in but one of your so called "lacky's" do. I asked others to call and get the information from this monitoring service but you probably asked them to discontinue giving out information on you. I just don't make this shit up ask your attorney.
Oklahoma SPorts Monitor
The oklahoma sports monitor can be reached at go there and see anywhere if Ty Gaston is monitored, we are not by them or any other monitoring company
including buzzerbeaters fake one at 888-334-7800
Did you call the number? Ask about another capper and also Ty. Why would they lie about this info on Ty or anyone else? Unless they were paid off and then I believ the numbers on Ty would be far different. Do me a favor and call this group for yourself. You will see that it is an independent monitoring firm. I can only report what I was given by them and it was the same info Ty's attorneys (ha ha) got.
How are they getting his plays then?
I am on your side but I just highly doubt Ty would volunteer his plays to anyone. The reason is in question but the concept makes no sense. Most services that get monitored are the small frys trying to use it as a marketing angle.
So how do they get the plays?
all made up
simple to do to find that this buzzerbeater is a lying piece of shit.
Ask the monitoring company these questions?
I asked these same questions when I called
Do you monitor Ty Gaston? They said yes
What is his record? They said Dont know it
What is his percentage? They said 39.4%
How do you get Ty Gaston's Plays?They said he calls in with his plays daily
How many companies do your monitor and do they call thier plays in daily? over 1800, yes they all call in
Can you email me Ty Gaston's record? No
Do you have a website that posts all 1800 services? NO
My final question was how many phone lines do you have? The guy said over 25, i told him when I called on another line and many others they were all busy except the first one.
Bottom line:
This is a fake company
They have one phone line
They are set up to trap people who want to check if someone is being monitored, and those people are given false records to sign up with others, this is a scam PERIOD
A guy will call you on the phone try to sell you as Joe Blow Sports, you ask if they are monitored, they say yes call 1-888-334-7800, you call ask about Joe Blow SPorts and they are 78% winners, you send Joe Blow Sports money and your fucked, period!
TRUST ME GUYS, this is bullshit, I aint just looking out for me, I am looking out for the guy who calls that number to check on someone elses record and gets scammed, its the oldest trick in the book. Dont fall for it, im serious, we are not monitored by anyone, and it just proves to you buzzerbeater said it was oklahoma sports monitor now he is sayign its an independent monitor, cmon guys figure it out yourself
Wallstreet and Buzzerbeater;
buzzerbeater give me you real name in an email for privacy reasons, to [email protected], I will look up your name in our database of PAID clients, if you paid 8k like you said, and had a losing record like you said, I will send you an 8 grand bank to bank wire immediately, lets put an end to this, and lets put an end to this thread, the proof is in your court, Prove it, I will give your money.
But i still say, we dont know a Ron Davenport, I have never done business with this clown, we dont sell 10 games for 8 dimes, but if somehow one of my offices did, I will find the sale, find the client history and refund his money 100%
Just to show you I am a straight up guy, I will do this
Ty Gaston