Morning all, Mondays suck, except Mondays after Tigger not only drops out of a tournament, but he does it like a 5 year old. Doesn't want to talk to anyone, just get out of his way, he's taking his toys and going home. What a frickin JERK!!!
Morning Guys ... Thanks, feeling a little better today ...
30 years in short version. (You're welcome) 15 years my wife was a personal trainer and aerobics instructor, got the lower back pain and stingers going down her left leg, she would fall to the ground and cry in pain. Went through all you have and then a physical therapist got her going with these rubber band things and stretching. Once she got rid of the pain with the injection, she started that and know she stretches three times a day for 5 to 10 minutes. She hasn't had a problem since. She still works out for 1 hour to 90 minutes a day, but she feels the stretching is the most impotrtant thing to do for the ciatic nerve problem. Hope you get better Spark. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.It was about a one year process, and I know you've had this on and off for a couple years at least