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Urgent Please Read/respond!!!! Part 2

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  • Lol! I miss it very much! I don't think I will ever be able to do 18 holes. I can't bend over ( no jokes please) lol....and some days I can't "straighten up". I hurt all the time. I do have good days but mostly bad but thank god I am alive! At the age of 45 I am full of arthritis. Had a hip replacement last year and need the other one replaced soon.

    So with all that being said who knows buddy. I think if somebody teed up my golf ball I may be able to do nine.
    Just very happy to be alive and have a wonderful girl in my life!

    Do you have a motor home? I was looking into renting one... Yes renting we are going camping over labor day weekend. I am not the camping type but she wants to go!
    I will not be a happy camper! Ha... Well if you are going to drive for 7 hours a camper is the way to go!


    • By the way Club did you have a Thunder shirt on when you were pretending to be KB?
      What else did you do when pretending to be him.
      You don't have to tell me everything but give me the top 5 things that you did being like KB.

      This should be good! I will anxiously wait your reply!


      • Just great...


        • Damn club it shouldn't take that long to devise a list so I can laugh at the rest of the afternoon!!


          • Well, the top 5 things you must do or accomplish if you want to go on a weekend KBism pronounce kay-be-ism. (Noun:/meaning--can't remember a fuckin thing since we left Friday morning)

            First thing would be to run to the local Wal-Mart and have a former OU football player (doesn't necessarily need to be a Heisman winner) help you find a Oklahoma shirt of any kind to wear for the weekend.

            2nd, go to the Sam's Club next door to get your cases of Red Bull, cause you know the liquor store will screw you for at least 10 cents more per can, which cuts into the Vodka budget. (Which we can't have) If your going to do a KBism, we don't want any of that Smirnoff shit!

            3rd Rent a motor home from the mid nineties, one that has carpet that has seen it's share of cookies, spits (that's ND talk for sunflower seeds) beer, beef jerky, VRB's etc. That way you can deny all the new stains as they were there when you picked it up!

            4th Ok. This is where you separate the men from the civilized world. Friday morning, go buy 15 breakfast burrito's at McDonalds, start drinking hard. You know by noon, you'll be pealing the paint off the inside of the RV and you can have side bets about who has the weakest stomach and is going to puke from your smelly ass farts! (Sometimes, it's best if you can find someone who may have got drunk the night before, pick him, its a sure bet)

            5th. This also is very important, make sure to have a full cooler in your Hotel room, you do not want to risk a hangover till Monday when it's time to go to work. Best thing is to either not sleep and just watch replays of the Thunder basketball game, or set your alarm to go off every hour and do a couple straight shots each time you wake up. For the record, this means brushing your teeth (or tooth if your in Kentucky) is optional the entire weekend. Tends to make some people gag. KB is capable of brushing his teeth as he is use to sucking cocks when he's drunk, and sober I guess.


            • Good stuff club! What happened to the mini's??

              Thanks buddy!!! Lol!


              • LMFAO!!!! Pictures and all


                • He did not let us down. Good stuff cluber


                  • Hey Vols, how much longer you have that Avatar???? Or are you starting to believe/like it?

                    Morning guys


                    • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                      Hey Vols, how much longer you have that Avatar???? Or are you starting to believe/like it?

                      Morning guys
                      2 more days May 19th is 88 days.


                      • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                        2 more days May 19th is 88 days.
                        I'm pretty sure the bet was 8.8 months!!


                        • Morning all! Wednesday, best day of the week, unless you live and die by your favorite basketball teams wins and looooooses.

                          Sorry they didn't bring that one home for ya last night KB.

                          Gentlemen, that game is why you teach your kids to shoot free throws. Keep em off that 3 point line and on the free stripe! If Dirk shoots 70% from the line, the whole game changes.




                          • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                            Morning all! Wednesday, best day of the week, unless you live and die by your favorite basketball teams wins and looooooses.

                            Sorry they didn't bring that one home for ya last night KB.

                            Gentlemen, that game is why you teach your kids to shoot free throws. Keep em off that 3 point line and on the free stripe! If Dirk shoots 70% from the line, the whole game changes.


                            Tod -ANAL-ogies


                            • Originally posted by bryce View Post
                              Tod -ANAL-ogies
                              OMG Bryce!!!!


                              • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                                OMG Bryce!!!!
                                I guess club is trying to make up for JC not being around with all this anal talk. Wish JC and baseball Dave would get back in here...jc? Dave?

                                Hopefully they will return soon.

