That's great, you've called me enough names in this thing that I'm just going to leave you to your opinion. I know who the good people are and those who mean to do well, CB is one of them, and I don't believe that a member of five years, and one is very good friends with a few members on this site would just up and leave to go service.
You believe that, I don't. I don't need to be called blind, stupid, a "nut-hanger" or any of this other shit.
Am I mad at you and KB, sure I am, because I believe all of this could have been avoided, I do know that I don't have to call you guys (my friends) names to get my point across.
Jesus Christ Mavs.Do those names offend you really.If you want to have a "they ran my picker off and they hurt my feelings" chip on your shoulder then I'm sorry.My God Mavs,as much fun as we have had on here your going to single out words like blind and get off his nuts(nut-hanger) to come between us then so be it.I would stick up for you in a minute and you can't doubt that.Take up for Cover,it don't matter.Thats the sweet thing about this site.People don't always agree.Lets move on and stop saying I'm going to be mad at certain people.Just say Vols your a dumbass and I fucking hate you.I can handle that.I ain't mad at you you nut hugger
Jesus Christ Mavs.Do those names offend you really.If you want to have a "they ran my picker off and they hurt my feelings" chip on your shoulder then I'm sorry.My God Mavs,as much fun as we have had on here your going to single out words like blind and get off his nuts(nut-hanger) to come between us then so be it.I would stick up for you in a minute and you can't doubt that.Take up for Cover,it don't matter.Thats the sweet thing about this site.People don't always agree.Lets move on and stop saying I'm going to be mad at certain people.Just say Vols your a dumbass and I fucking hate you.I can handle that.I ain't mad at you you nut hugger
I would never consider you or KB anything but good guys, does that mean I won't be mad at you guys for stupid shit sometimes? No.
About the name-calling, if we're gonna' disagree about something, you can yell and curse, that's all cool by me. I just don't like when people take "personal" shots, like I thought you did with the nut hanging. That's all man.
I don't think you and KB are dumbasses, and don't hate either of you, I just strongly disagree with you both here. And if mad at somebody for saying or doing something stupid, I'll say so.
Between me and you, all is fine, as far as I'm concerned. And I agree with Spark, CB's shots at you two "rednecks" were uncalled for. But IMO, no matter what is said, you three (CB and KB and you) are all good guys, no matter what happens.
mavs & vols you guys realize you are fighting with each other dont you? who cares about CB if he goes service or not?? either way
I do not think CB is going service, and I would like him to continue to post, as I'm sure many guys would.
If he did go service, I wouldn't pay for his picks, I wouldn't pay for anybody's, but I would owe these two people (KB and Vols and others) an apology.
I think CB is a helpful guy and good guy, who cares a lot about the forum, and I would like to keep those guys around.
I would never consider you or KB anything but good guys, does that mean I won't be mad at you guys for stupid shit sometimes? No.
About the name-calling, if we're gonna' disagree about something, you can yell and curse, that's all cool by me. I just don't like when people take "personal" shots, like I thought you did with the nut hanging. That's all man.
I don't think you and KB are dumbasses, and don't hate either of you, I just strongly disagree with you both here. And if mad at somebody for saying or doing something stupid, I'll say so.
Between me and you, all is fine, as far as I'm concerned. And I agree with Spark, CB's shots at you two "rednecks" were uncalled for. But IMO, no matter what is said, you three (CB and KB and you) are all good guys, no matter what happens.