I just had our yard guy cut the grass yesterday. Should be the last time till Spring, I hope. All of these cold fronts are messing up my fishing spot too. The water dropped about 3 foot.
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
We would love to have the snow.Atlanta averages 1.2 inches of snow a year but it's been 5 years since we have had any.Were long overdue.Your so use to temps in the teens and 20's that it probably don't even bother you any more.
I just had our yard guy cut the grass yesterday. Should be the last time till Spring, I hope. All of these cold fronts are messing up my fishing spot too. The water dropped about 3 foot.
I don't know what I'm more jealous of,you having a fishing spot or having your own yard guy
We would love to have the snow.Atlanta averages 1.2 inches of snow a year but it's been 5 years since we have had any.Were long overdue.Your so use to temps in the teens and 20's that it probably don't even bother you any more.
You can have it vols ... I seriously would miss it if I moved away so I can understand what you are saying ... what I do not like is the slow traffic and it slows down the business I am in ..
You can have it vols ... I seriously would miss it if I moved away so I can understand what you are saying ... what I do not like is the slow traffic and it slows down the business I am in ..
The cold does not bother me at all ... Like I said, I am loving it ...
Damn, you would never know it around here Jimmy ... it is business like usual ...
Damn, I feel like the Kapt with the red answers ...
Yes, your answers may have been in red, but they weren't in novel form and we didn't need a thesaurus to comprehend them.
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
good morning everyone. I'm glad I live far enough south that I can play golf occasionally in January. Wind's a little chilly today though, 18 degrees and a single-digit wind chill. Of course it's supposed to be upper 50s Saturday so I think I'll play with the noon group if all goes well.
I just had our yard guy cut the grass yesterday. Should be the last time till Spring, I hope. All of these cold fronts are messing up my fishing spot too. The water dropped about 3 foot.
I can always have my sisters jump in and raise that water level for you