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Urgent Please Read/respond!!!! Part 2

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  • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
    Morning all, spent the weekend installing hardwood flooring, I'm in so much pain, It hurts to type. For any BC members that are in construction, and spend the day hunched over a floor, this is for YOU!

    Might be a great day to "whip somebody's ass!" My wife thinks it looks so good, she wants to do more rooms!
    Are you putting down engineered flooring or the real stuff? And did you have to tear out the top layer of flooring plus get the nails etc out from under the sheet rock?


    • We put down laminate hardwood flooring in our living room and dinning room.Shit sucks going down but looks damn good when your done


      • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
        Are you putting down engineered flooring or the real stuff? And did you have to tear out the top layer of flooring plus get the nails etc out from under the sheet rock?
        Put down the real stuff. 3/4 inch Brazilian Teak. (I didn't pick it, but the shit is hard as rock.) Yes I had to tear out the carpet then a 1/2 inch chip board sub floor (not strong enough to hold staples I guess) I was somewhat fortunate that the chip board was screwed in, so I didn't have the nail battle, but whoever did it, must have had an automatically loading screw gun, cause they went 7 across the 4 foot board. Then I put in a 3/4 inch tongue/groove plywood, then sound proofing stuff. Then the wood.


        • PS. I'm canceling my cable, my wife is watching way too much HGTV!!!

          PSS. Monte, I hope you don't have to pull sheetrock off your floor!!! (Just caught that)


          • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
            We put down laminate hardwood flooring in our living room and dinning room.Shit sucks going down but looks damn good when your done
            Is that floating, glued, or nailed??


            • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
              Is that floating, glued, or nailed??
              floating.First four rows were a bitch but once it was heavy enough to stop moving it went pretty smooth.Fireplace and doors were a bitch but it does look good


              • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                Put down the real stuff. 3/4 inch Brazilian Teak. (I didn't pick it, but the shit is hard as rock.) Yes I had to tear out the carpet then a 1/2 inch chip board sub floor (not strong enough to hold staples I guess) I was somewhat fortunate that the chip board was screwed in, so I didn't have the nail battle, but whoever did it, must have had an automatically loading screw gun, cause they went 7 across the 4 foot board. Then I put in a 3/4 inch tongue/groove plywood, then sound proofing stuff. Then the wood.
                Did it on my current house and it was a pain in the ass. I won't be putting hard wood down again as I'll have to hire it out. Put down 3/4 inch thick Santos Mahogany looks great, but a pain in the ass.


                • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                  floating.First four rows were a bitch but once it was heavy enough to stop moving it went pretty smooth.Fireplace and doors were a bitch but it does look good
                  That stuff wouldn't be bad putting down as its like about 7.5 inches wide by about 4 feet long on all pieces.

                  Did you use tape to hold the pieces together at the start? Be careful with water as it will ruin that stuff quickly.


                  • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                    Be careful with water as it will ruin that stuff quickly.
                    Funny you say that.About 3 weeks after we put it down I had a pipe bust under the slab in my kitchen that did about $8,000
                    worth of damage to the kitchen,dinningroom and laundry room.The laminate in the dinning room was fucked up after that water got on it.We do have a moisture pad underneath it so maybe that will help with the kids spills.


                    • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                      Funny you say that.About 3 weeks after we put it down I had a pipe bust under the slab in my kitchen that did about $8,000
                      worth of damage to the kitchen,dinningroom and laundry room.The laminate in the dinning room was fucked up after that water got on it.We do have a moisture pad underneath it so maybe that will help with the kids spills.
                      I don't know if any of you have ever been broke into but we have been living at my parents house for the last 3 weeks while all the repairs were being done to our house.Well we just started getting stuff back in and came home yesterday and someone had busted thru the front door and robbed us.Bastards must have been on feet cause the only place they did anything was master bedroom closet and master bathroom.The police said most of the time the robbers are just looking for cash,guns and jewelry.They got about $400 cash I had put up for vacation in a couple weeks and Dixie never wears her wedding rings when they take kids on field trips to the pool so them fuckers got that shit to.A major kick in the balls.


                      • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                        I don't know if any of you have ever been broke into but we have been living at my parents house for the last 3 weeks while all the repairs were being done to our house.Well we just started getting stuff back in and came home yesterday and someone had busted thru the front door and robbed us.Bastards must have been on feet cause the only place they did anything was master bedroom closet and master bathroom.The police said most of the time the robbers are just looking for cash,guns and jewelry.They got about $400 cash I had put up for vacation in a couple weeks and Dixie never wears her wedding rings when they take kids on field trips to the pool so them fuckers got that shit to.A major kick in the balls.
                        By the way,security system people will be at the house at noon today.I felt safe out in the country but not no more.Fucking $20 a month ain't shit for peace of mind.


                        • Sorry to hear this vols ... That really sucks


                          • Originally posted by Spark View Post
                            Sorry to hear this vols ... That really sucks
                            Thanks Spark.It's a shitty feeling knowing someone was in your house going thru your shit while your away.

                            I might have to start a "Georgia the new wild wild west" thread if I ever get a hold of those bastards


                            • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                              Thanks Spark.It's a shitty feeling knowing someone was in your house going thru your shit while your away.

                              I might have to start a "Georgia the new wild wild west" thread if I ever get a hold of those bastards
                              I know how you feel ... I have been burglarized ... not my home but my business ... 3x's ... all 3x's watched the low-life's on camera breaking out the front window to get in and then sledgehammering the inventory room door ... Really makes you sick ... only once out of the 3x's they got anything ... and that was due to a faulty motion sensor on the alarm system ..


                              • Sorry to hear that Vols...I can't imagine...
                                It's always noon somewhere!

                                My Fish and Aquariums

                                Griffey's Posted Record

