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Urgent Please Read/respond!!!! Part 2
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Originally posted by wayne1218 View PostIs it wrong wanting to ban LWA for a week just for some peace & quiet when football opens? I'm so sick of going in threads to read guys posts and seeing his bullshit. Damn ........
Pull the TRIGGER !!
Originally posted by Lsufan View PostI know I've been away for a while, but man, what happened to this site?
No one posting plays, "no good luck's," hardly any chat, and WTF is this about "Currently Active Users: 627 (46 members and 581 guests)?"
And no Spark!!!!
Is there something I should know? Please explain!
Originally posted by vols fan View PostHere is my feeling on the whole thing. Monte dumped on all of us and Spark and Wayne have been handling things but have gotten burned out. Again,only my opinion. Wayne went MIA for awhile and Spark did it all. Then Spark went MIA and Wayne is doing alot more. IMO big hyped up plays ruined it.GoldenGreek was the Goldenchild and hes what brought the people to the site. You either had people like me that didn't care for him or the others that loved his ass. This site was built on 100's of members and really IMO only one member ran this place and it was him. No fault to him cause the big dogs let him get that big and he loved the attention as much as the site did.GG was against 90% of the posters every damn week. And then you have the guest having to chose sides. GG or the other 100 posters taking time out of there day too.That makes no sense to me at all. The day I knew this place was gone is when Wayne posted plays on a Sunday full of baseball and not one good luck was posted?????? An owner who don't give a fuck+All eggs in on one member= not a good site anymore!!!
I simply just loved to "have fun" on the site. I had quit betting for the most part, except for a few plays every now and then. So I never posted plays. I just joked around with the crew.
I have no idea what happened with the Mods, but wasn't Monte sick for a while?
But, now that certain people have faded away, I will probably be around a bit more. The sad part will be that it is just so slow around here now. We need to try and kick it up a notch. I think the ball is in our court, and its up to us to get things started again. JMO"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
Originally posted by vols fan View PostHere is my feeling on the whole thing. Monte dumped on all of us and Spark and Wayne have been handling things but have gotten burned out. Again,only my opinion. Wayne went MIA for awhile and Spark did it all. Then Spark went MIA and Wayne is doing alot more. IMO big hyped up plays ruined it.GoldenGreek was the Goldenchild and hes what brought the people to the site. You either had people like me that didn't care for him or the others that loved his ass. This site was built on 100's of members and really IMO only one member ran this place and it was him. No fault to him cause the big dogs let him get that big and he loved the attention as much as the site did.GG was against 90% of the posters every damn week. And then you have the guest having to chose sides. GG or the other 100 posters taking time out of there day too.That makes no sense to me at all. The day I knew this place was gone is when Wayne posted plays on a Sunday full of baseball and not one good luck was posted?????? An owner who don't give a fuck+All eggs in on one member= not a good site anymore!!!
Why do LURKERS outnumber "members" 10 -1 .... why would you come in here for a little kiss ... but, don't have anything to say?
Monte could/should pull the plug any day ! If you don't have anything to contribute that's fine. But,at least Register as a member .... Or just go the fvck away .... JMHO
Originally posted by Lsufan View PostWell, I love this site. But I went MIA because of a few posters that were simply getting on my nerves. Also, there were topics on this site that were also getting on my nerves.
I simply just loved to "have fun" on the site. I had quit betting for the most part, except for a few plays every now and then. So I never posted plays. I just joked around with the crew.
I have no idea what happened with the Mods, but wasn't Monte sick for a while?
But, now that certain people have faded away, I will probably be around a bit more. The sad part will be that it is just so slow around here now. We need to try and kick it up a notch. I think the ball is in our court, and its up to us to get things started again. JMO
Originally posted by Lsufan View PostWell, I love this site. But I went MIA because of a few posters that were simply getting on my nerves. Also, there were topics on this site that were also getting on my nerves.
I simply just loved to "have fun" on the site. I had quit betting for the most part, except for a few plays every now and then. So I never posted plays. I just joked around with the crew.
I have no idea what happened with the Mods, but wasn't Monte sick for a while?
But, now that certain people have faded away, I will probably be around a bit more. The sad part will be that it is just so slow around here now. We need to try and kick it up a notch. I think the ball is in our court, and its up to us to get things started again. JMO
I take this back ... I'm out ... Kaz just posted.
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
Originally posted by vols fan View PostHere is my feeling on the whole thing. Monte dumped on all of us and Spark and Wayne have been handling things but have gotten burned out. Again,only my opinion. Wayne went MIA for awhile and Spark did it all. Then Spark went MIA and Wayne is doing alot more. IMO big hyped up plays ruined it.GoldenGreek was the Goldenchild and hes what brought the people to the site. You either had people like me that didn't care for him or the others that loved his ass. This site was built on 100's of members and really IMO only one member ran this place and it was him. No fault to him cause the big dogs let him get that big and he loved the attention as much as the site did.GG was against 90% of the posters every damn week. And then you have the guest having to chose sides. GG or the other 100 posters taking time out of there day too.That makes no sense to me at all. The day I knew this place was gone is when Wayne posted plays on a Sunday full of baseball and not one good luck was posted?????? An owner who don't give a fuck+All eggs in on one member= not a good site anymore!!!
As far as Monte goes, sure, many of us think he could/should do more. I've thought that many times too but it is hard for me to judge too harshly because i know he has been very sick and battling a disease that really takes a daily toll on him. It sucks on many fronts, for him and all that wish he could do more.
I have been burnt out completely about 5 times now in the last 2 years. A lot of it comes from running pools 52 weeks a year but it comes from here too.
Sometimes you just don't feel the passion others do and when you do show it, it gets misinterpreted. I too have wondered what if i come here some day and the site no longer exists. I don't own it and i don't talk daily to monte so who knows what he is doing or how he is feeling about keeping it going.
It was a burnt out moment that got me to start my own site a couple years ago. I always thought it would be neat to have and i always figured if something ever happened to this place, I would have my own to go to daily. I don't think i would want to just go to a new forum and start over again. I just don't. I was posting at both for awhile and it just got tedious. Sometimes it felt vacant here and posting honestly just seemed like a waste of time so i would hang out reading threads and just post on my site. Others will always keep this site going, but i am the only one who can keep mine afloat. If i don't post there, nobody will and people have had trouble understanding that.
I for one will be posting here again once football starts up and i can't wait.
As far as Joe goes, he is burnt out right now too for sure. He has been on a break and i told him to enjoy his time away. He will be back and has been recently here and there.
I don't care what anybody thinks. This is still my favorite place on the net. Yeah, we don't always see eye to eye but so what, it happens in real life and it happens here too.
Originally posted by wayne1218 View PostHey vols, You are right on several fronts.
I don't care what anybody thinks. This is still my favorite place on the net. Yeah, we don't always see eye to eye but so what, it happens in real life and it happens here too.and has long as dave and his goats post winners and vols posts his fades, i will still be here when football gets going
Seriously, and I am a newbie compared to others, but I get turned off by all the animosity that seemed to go on between posters. When I first found the site, it seemed like everyone posted their plays and whether you agreed on disagreed, you still wished everyone "good luck." T
Then it became like a pissing match on who was the best capper and it made me feel like I had to "choose sides."
Now, douchebags like LWA just make me laugh because he doesn't even realize how stupid he sounds when he posts. But others, who seemed to have a clue, got on opposite sides of the fence and it seemed like you had to choose a side. It made being on here kinda uncomfortable.
Two things I was always told when I was young was that you can't argue politics and religion. Its a no win argument. I believe some issues started because of who was "politically correct" about what they believed and others disagreed.
The other thing was some got mad because of the "hyped up" plays. Any smart gambler knows that you can't have all those 50/100 star plays BUT not everyone is a smart gambler. But just like religion and politics, that is not something to argue about because everyone feels differently.
But, I have made some friends on here because of this site, and that is something I am thankful for. Nex moved back home and I see and talk to him alot and Dimer has met me the last 2 years in Cooperstown. I talk or text regular with JC, KB, Club, etc. I will meet Jimmy and Kaptain and a few others one day, so this site has been good to me.
I just wish it was like it was a few years ago, where mostly everybody got along. You are always gonna have guys like LWA - and please don't ban him. I wanna have some fun in football - but it is easy to put someone you don't like on ignore.
Just me and my goats opinion.
And Jimmy, if you read this, stay safe buddy. I hope all works out for you. We are staying and waiting it out.jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat
I think we should back off on Monte bashing, the man is obviously not healthy and could use our help versus our harsh words.
Get well Monte, will definitely include you in my prayersQuestions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]