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Urgent Please Read/respond!!!! Part 2
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Originally posted by ToDaClub View PostMorning KBGetting close to throwing away the crutches???
Getting close my man. Went to the doc last Thursday, got 2 more weeks total non weight bearing. Starting Aug 3, I go 2 days putting 25% weight on it, next 2 days after that, 50% on it, next 2 days after that, 75% on it, then on August 10th, I go full 100%
Doc said that 6 day period is as critical as the 12 weeks non weight bearing. He said a lot of people just jump right back in 100% thinking they can handle it. He said the body typically can't handle the sudden "shock" of using your whole body weight on it and it will crush the bone. He said easing back into it I should be fine.
All my x-rays looked great he said. Taking a couple weeks off physical therapy as he said I can't do much more to help it until I can start doing weight bearing exercises.
So just a few more weeksThere is light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Originally posted by ToDaClub View PostNice hex!!!!! We have a new contender to the "Club" wammy!!!!
Morning guys, got to move my son to a new place yesterday, 97 degrees and humid.Good news is I lost 35 lbs!!!
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[QUOTE=ToDaClub;1992750]I'm back to a "C" cup.[
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