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FB(CFB & NFL)-Running Service Thread.....incl's "BGPs", Write-Ups, & comps!

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  • how come you didn't post when you lost 42 units????


    • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
      how come you didn't post when you lost 42 units????
      How come you spreading more LIES????


      • Originally posted by Co-Captain
        How come you spreading more LIES????

        nice to see you reply to somebody.... How come you never replied back to dirtymike?


        • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
          nice to see you reply to somebody.... How come you never replied back to dirtymike?

          i belive he asked you a question


          • he lost 42u sat and sun, thats why he didn't update his record.

            he is doing that classic tout scam, singling out his week day plays to brag about! last week it was his teasers. what will it be next?


            • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
              he lost 42u sat and sun, thats why he didn't update his record.

              he is doing that classic tout scam, singling out his week day plays to brag about! last week it was his teasers. what will it be next?

              Am I still winning overall in Football after 9 Weeks or not????????...All you seem to be doing is the classic Jealous Crying ...trying to "Twist" the Truth by your selectively singling out a few bad days....which btw, everyone has....

              Classic...And to inform and educated you...The reason why I am bragging as you say, about my Weekday BECAUSE IT'S PERTAINING TO WEEKDAY GAMES I Advertised....Get a Grip!

              Watch out who you accuse of scamming...and from posting any more of your Defamatory libellous statements about....Its ignorant to keep believing you can hide behind your computer and get away with such improper actions..


              • hahahhahahahhahahhaha...omg!!!!!!!!


                • Aloha Gang....

                  Well, after getting our assess handed to us on the weekend...especially on Sunday, where it seems almost everyone out there got killed as all the unforeseen intangilbles....I mean common int for TDs left and right....WTF!

                  Still, if you look around....who can say that they have responded like I have the next few days...going 6-0= +16, MNF= 3-0 $weep ....Tues Night FB= 1-0 $weep...and yesterdays Thurs Night FB= 2-0 $weep....Solid!

                  Only goes to show and prove again, that the Hard and Honest Handicapping Work that I always put in ..will always respond and get us back in the game following a few down days....

                  Another important FACT to remember that I have never had back to back losing weeks yet....And, I dont expect to be changing that trend one bit...This you can count on....Now, on to today...


                  This was the play on my "Aloha Friday's"-CFB-Card, to go off the board, which is being posted for documentation and informational purposes like always...(note: the lines posted w/ each play are reflecting the current lines at the time these plays were released to all members.)

                  *FRIDAY'S PLAYS (11-03):


                  **TOP RATED DOG PLAY ON: (3 Units)

                  ARMY +5

                  -More balance on offense for the Knights...and defensive strength is stopping the run, not the pass...fortunately for the Knights, the Falcons cant pass....GO ARMY BEAT AF!

                  -Check back at the half for a possible 2nd Hf play, if your interested....Till then, GL and Aloooooha CC.

                  Cont Info: [email protected]

                  comp play on: Mich St
                  Last edited by Co-Captain; 11-03-2006, 08:16 PM.


                  • Comment

                    • Originally posted by Spark
                      Spark... I have never attacked you or even spoke badly of you or this site at all...but yet you want to continue on instigating further unfair bashing of me...Refused to remove defamatory material which was posted against me and without my consent...

                      As a moderator and employee of this site...I would think that you would act a lot more professionally..

                      Whats your real AGENDA?


                      • **TOP RATED 2ND HF COMP PLAY ON: (3 Units)

                        Army -3 +100

                        --Holy about having everything and anything go against you...Still, I dont think the Knights Pride will allow them to quit...

                        ================================================== ============================


                        NOVEMBER is here Gang.....So dont miss out on my NOVEMBER'S "Turkey Month" Package , cause its all the ammo and info, you will need to cover the 29 days of Football action thats ahead...

                        Just Contact me and I will definately get you hooked up for all the daily "Gobble Gobble" .......Aloha CC.

                        Cont Info: [email protected]
                        Last edited by Co-Captain; 11-03-2006, 09:45 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Co-Captain
                          Spark... I have never attacked you or even spoke badly of you or this site at all...but yet you want to continue on instigating further unfair bashing of me...Refused to remove defamatory material which was posted against me and without my consent...

                          As a moderator and employee of this site...I would think that you would act a lot more professionally..

                          Whats your real AGENDA?
                          aloha bitch.........
                          MY MEAT IN THE HOT DESERT.......


                          • Aloha biatch, are you really 20 years old. Shit, i got under wear older than that you helmut
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • Originally posted by Co-Captain
                              Spark... I have never attacked you or even spoke badly of you or this site at all...but yet you want to continue on instigating further unfair bashing of me...Refused to remove defamatory material which was posted against me and without my consent...

                              As a moderator and employee of this site...I would think that you would act a lot more professionally..

                              Whats your real AGENDA?
                              Lets clear the air ...

                              First of all I am not an employee here .. I am not on any payroll for being a Moderator at bc ...

                              What I am pissed off at is that you are here everyday posting on this site advertising for FREE and one friggin time a member here asks you a simple question about a game and you completely ignore him .. and do not tell me you did not see the post where he asked you a question ... Who the hell do you think you are not to respond to a member of this forum??

                              You have to understand this site is not like the other ones you post at .... When you turn your back on a member here it is not taking kindly ....

                              Now if I or anyone else are not professional enough for you just leave and move on .. You bring absolutely nothing to this site for us .. You are neither friendly or helpful ...
                              Last edited by Spark; 11-03-2006, 10:38 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Spark
                                Lets clear the air ...

                                First of all I am not an employee here .. I am not on any payroll for being a Moderator at bc ...

                                What I am pissed off at is that you are here everyday posting on this site advertising for FREE and one friggin time a member here asks you a simple question about a game and you completely ignore him .. and do not tell me you did not see the post where he asked you a question ... Who the hell do you think you are not to respond to a member of this forum??

                                You have to understand this site is not like the other ones you post at .... When you turn your back on a member here it is not taking kindly ....

                                Now if I or anyone else are not professional enough for you just leave and move on .. You bring absolutely nothing to this site for us .. You are neither friendly or helpful ...
                                YES SIR
                                MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
                                HUGE PLAYS 2-1

                                NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
                                0-0TOP PLAYS

                                NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

                                4-1 TOP PLAYS

                                GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

                                AS of 6/3/12

