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To Kappa, MotormouthPimpleface, TWR and the rest of you losers

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  • Originally posted by BettorsChat
    And I see you coming in his threads all the time complaining.

    Again why do you care what he does? And don't give me that crap about integrity of the site etc, as this site has plenty of that.

    Complaining, or correcting?
    By asking the "care" question, are you saying you don't care what Chuck posts? This site has LOTS of integrity. Kapt and Spark are probably the two biggest. But has anyone ever looked into the "complaints" or just dismissed them as haters who are out to get Chuck? GL all.


    • Originally posted by winner
      Complaining, or correcting?
      By asking the "care" question, are you saying you don't care what Chuck posts? This site has LOTS of integrity. Kapt and Spark are probably the two biggest. But has anyone ever looked into the "complaints" or just dismissed them as haters who are out to get Chuck? GL all.
      When the same 2 people keep complaining it raises red flags.

      Have you kept up with chucks plays and records?


      • Originally posted by BettorsChat
        We don't always lock up threads or ban people when they get into a game of throwing names at each other. It depends on how often it happens.

        And I see you coming in his threads all the time complaining.

        Again why do you care what he does? And don't give me that crap about integrity of the site etc, as this site has plenty of that.

        And from what i've read you don't even seem to want to be here either.
        Monte I want you to just a quick sec and look over all of my posts regarding Chuck.

        I was never once out of line or made anything up. He just gets defensive and starts attacking. Believe me when I say this, If i was as sensitive as him you would see just as many threads like this one here by me but I do not care.

        As for wanting to be here or not wanting to be here I have no clue what that means. I am a member here and I try and contribute what I can.



        • Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
          Monte I want you to just a quick sec and look over all of my posts regarding Chuck.

          I was never once out of line or made anything up. He just gets defensive and starts attacking. Believe me when I say this, If i was as sensitive as him you would see just as many threads like this one here by me but I do not care.

          As for wanting to be here or not wanting to be here I have no clue what that means. I am a member here and I try and contribute what I can.

          I guess the poke about Toronto wasn't out of line? Them being a -330 fav over KC and losing 2-0.

          C'mon its getting old


          • say "Good Night" Gracie.........kapt

            "Good Night" Mrs Kallabash "wherever you are".........kapt

            Good night "John Boy"..........

            Say "Good night" Dick...................

            "Good Night" Chet..................

            "Good Night" all----this is ridiculous.............see you guys tomorrow..........kapt
            Last edited by Kaptain; 08-28-2006, 07:49 PM.

            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


            • Please

              LET IT END.....
              Remember the three R's:
              Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


              • We think this thread has a lot of hits. I remember when HOOPS BUNKIE was getting like 10-15000 views a day...we need another run like that around here!
                Great Day To Win

                MLB 2008 (19-23-1) +3.0 units

                NBA 08-09 (10-7) + 1.59 units

                GOY (4-1)


                • Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                  Monte I want you to just a quick sec and look over all of my posts regarding Chuck.

                  I was never once out of line or made anything up. He just gets defensive and starts attacking. Believe me when I say this, If i was as sensitive as him you would see just as many threads like this one here by me but I do not care.

                  As for wanting to be here or not wanting to be here I have no clue what that means. I am a member here and I try and contribute what I can.

                  Pimp, i know this an open forum so dont use that lame excuse. Maybe your right, maybe he has done everything you have said. I have a grand idea, just dont ever go in his threads, dont monitor what he says, dont ever talk about him or too him. He is monitored somewhere else and we all know who does that. Here is a grand idea, just stop being the Liar police and i think most people can police Chucky themselves. I think there is maybe 5-6 people here that dont want him posting plays, and probably 50-100 that do. So what do you expect Monte to do, this is a business last time i looked, and when guys like you and kappa are trying everything in your power to discredit a capper that has a following here, Monte has to nip it in the bud.

                  Put your stiff dick for chuckie back in your drawers and just stay away from him. Sounds simple to me

                  Questions, comments, complaints:
                  [email protected]


                  • Originally posted by ELJUGO
                    We think this thread has a lot of hits. I remember when HOOPS BUNKIE was getting like 10-15000 views a day...we need another run like that around here!
                    Dude ... He was giving himself the hits!!!


                    • My Balls itch.....
                      Remember the three R's:
                      Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                      • We know ...


                        • Originally posted by wayne1218
                          We know ...
                          You mean bover knows


                          • This is the thread that never ends.
                            It goes on and on my friends.
                            Chucky, started it not knowing what it was.
                            but they'll continue posting in here just because.

                            This is the thread that never ends.........................
                            Last edited by rwall; 08-28-2006, 10:14 PM.
                            Remember the three R's:
                            Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                            • Chuck Norris is Luke Skywalker's real father.
                              Remember the three R's:
                              Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                              • Originally posted by jcindaville
                                Pimp, i know this an open forum so dont use that lame excuse. Maybe your right, maybe he has done everything you have said. I have a grand idea, just dont ever go in his threads, dont monitor what he says, dont ever talk about him or too him. He is monitored somewhere else and we all know who does that. Here is a grand idea, just stop being the Liar police and i think most people can police Chucky themselves. I think there is maybe 5-6 people here that dont want him posting plays, and probably 50-100 that do. So what do you expect Monte to do, this is a business last time i looked, and when guys like you and kappa are trying everything in your power to discredit a capper that has a following here, Monte has to nip it in the bud.

                                Put your stiff dick for chuckie back in your drawers and just stay away from him. Sounds simple to me

                                Youve been stickin yer nose where it dont belong now for far too long. I never said he couldnt pick a game nor did I say he should leave. I said he needs to man up to his BS and quit these chilidish games.

                                Maybe you think its OK for someone to make up phony stories. Maybe you think its ok for someone to post fake tickets. Maybe you think its ok for someone to post fake lines. Maybe you think its ok that one day he claims he lists pitchers and less than two weeks later claims he plays action.

                                Maybe you think its ok to go 0-5 and then come back with a 1000* bailout and when that misses to play a 2000*. Maybe you think its OK to have a bullshit record that doesnt even exist.

                                I said Chuck can pick winners just fine and he should just leave it that. The fucken BS needs to left out though. This isnt kindergarten show and tell.

                                I would really love for people who have no fucken clue of what is going to either get their facts str8 or just stay the fuck out of it.

                                Dont you think I had an opinion the other day of what was goin on with Rook? I just didnt know the history there so I kept my trap shut.

                                Lets get a few things str8....Kappa and twr have zero affiliation with me. I do not want Chuck to leave either.....I just want BS to get called out......nobody should get a free pass.

                                What if I was followin Chuck the other day and I lost those early baseball u think I could afford to increase my bet by 1000 and 2000x.

                                The truth is nobody can but the guy has some sort of complex where he thinks he needs to lie to get attention.

                                I can let this go if it gets straightened out.


