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To Kappa, MotormouthPimpleface, TWR and the rest of you losers

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  • BC, Kaptain, Wayne, Homer, Tmac and other. Almost all threads contain nothing but GL

    The only thread with any comments other than GL was WayneChung's football thread.


    • this thread is so old.....

      Chuck E Cheese was Chuck E Milk when it started
      Lord Knows I'm A Voodoo Child

      My record Click Here


      • This thread is so old that the "Kaptain" was applying for his 1st job on the "Mayflower" when it started!!!


        • Originally posted by wayne1218
          Some people don't feel like getting in a discussion over a game
          I agree and I'm also aware some take exception to questions/doubts about a selection.


          • Originally posted by frankb03
            I agree and I'm also aware some take exception to questions/doubts about a selection.
            It's funny cause i've disputed or questioned a pick in someone else' thread before and i always feel bad after doing it. They usually seem irritated or offended that i would make them look foolish by questioning it.


            • Originally posted by wayne1218
              They usually seem irritated or offended that i would make them look foolish by questioning it.
              I agree 100% You know better than me that we are dealing with some oversensitive guys. However, one can't disagree that the endless GLs are boring.


              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                It's funny cause i've disputed or questioned a pick in someone else' thread before and i always feel bad after doing it.
                I welcome it. I love it. Of course, how it's done play an important role.


                • Originally posted by Blackbeard
                  Thats what they are refering to, and it has happened to me a few times, its quite annoying
                  BB, I've also been annoyed when I see a post or posts in my thread only to see an endless list of GLs.


                  • Originally posted by frankb03
                    BB, I've also been annoyed when I see a post or posts in my thread only to see an endless list of GLs.
                    From now on ... Every single game we disagree on, i'm going to go ask you why??? lol ... hahaha ... just kidding!


                    • Most of the people I wish GL to I have no reason to dipute their selection. ie Frank, Wayne, Spark, Kapt, etc.... As their capping ability is well above mine. However, maybe if I were to discuss rather than dispute thier selection I would learn more of what there is to capping.
                      It's always noon somewhere!

                      My Fish and Aquariums

                      Griffey's Posted Record


                      • Although the other reason I am here is because I have no time to cap and I feel perfectly confindent if I were just to go get the picks of the capper I was following, wish him a quick GL and go on my merry way.
                        It's always noon somewhere!

                        My Fish and Aquariums

                        Griffey's Posted Record


                        • Originally posted by griffey_mojo
                          Most of the people I wish GL to I have no reason to dipute their selection. ie Frank, Wayne, Spark, Kapt, etc.... As their capping ability is well above mine. However, maybe if I were to discuss rather than dispute thier selection I would learn more of what there is to capping.
                          Don't dispute. Ask why they like the team.


                          • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                            Sorry guys, but if wishing someone gl in a thread is boring so be it. I like to let them know that someone is at least looking and giving 2 cents worth of care.

                            Monte i agree, you run the best site on the net. Who cares if some dont like a GL thread
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • Originally posted by wayne1218
                              I agree. If people didn't see it they would then feel disliked and unwanted. Not all but ALOT like the "Luck"!

                              10-4, there has been many a member who got pissed cause they didnt get any GL.
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • Originally posted by rented mule
                                I feel disliked and unwanted even with the "good lucks".

                                And i'm mainly talking about in real life.

                                Thats cause your ugly like me, but your wife is pretty
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

