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3 Wise Men Monday 7-3-06

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  • #76

    "BTW if yer taking the day off since yer head hurts from all the work you do why are you even here today? We both know why you are here."


    Not any more Ronnie .

    Guys like you and Spark have gone out of your way to make sure of that.

    Time to move on.


    • #77
      GL today Neil and don't waste any of your time arguing to people. It's your prerogative to post or not and no one else's. As you know I also have an asshole posting my plays and it does get tiresome seeing him post only what he wants and calling winning plays losers...

      I, too, felt that this was a negative vibe that caused me to lose, what I realized it was only a distraction and I needed to work harder at deciding who to play.

      But I decided to post part time and not let peoples words bother me any more because I for one enjoy gambling and enjoy consistently winning more than I lose.

      Sit back and do the same....


      • #78
        Originally posted by CoverBoy

        "BTW if yer taking the day off since yer head hurts from all the work you do why are you even here today? We both know why you are here."


        Not any more Ronnie .

        Guys like you and Spark have gone out of your way to make sure of that.

        Time to move on.
        Now it is my fault ... Oh brother ...


        • #79
          Originally posted by Spark
          Now it is my fault ... Oh brother ...
          Publicity stunt Spark........people did read through this yesterday and people thought he was halucinating or making shit up. Now hes just running around trying to make enemies and hoping people defend him and tell him 'Oh its OK Neil.......please dont get mad, please dont take this in the wrong way'...........Well FUCK it.....if this is how its gonna be so be it

          You aint bigger than the board and for that matter nobody is.........either post and shut the fuck up or dont post and shut the fuck up.



          • #80

            You just gave yourself away asshole.

            I now know what you've been trying to do all along.


            • #81
              Shut up dumbass.......u need sure you know someone at the hospital.........just make sure when you drive down there that you dont get caught at more than 2 red lights otherwise you might have a bad day with the picks



              • #82

                This is so Ridiculous that it's beyond funny. The only people that bash you here are the ones that get sick of the Whoa is me write ups. Stern even tried to mend fences and you kept going on about respect and all that other crap. This board isn't about you, me, pimp, spark, or any ONE else. It is a Public forum and it is the huge family it is BECAUSE of EVERYONE here.

                You seem to enjoy constantly asking for emails to build a list when we have all asked you to stop. The biggest thing here that Monte has asked for since day one of me being here has been no emails. It is why we do not have PM's anymore.

                At the same time of you begging for rules upheld, threads closed, people banned, or special treatment, you are breaking the biggest no no here and openly asking for emails. Why should we run to help you???

                You have made this SO MUCH about YOU that you should just call yourself the "1 Wiseman".

                My last GOY i had was in Arena Football and i was told it was posted at one or two other sites. Did ever go look at either of them personally? No. Did i really care? No. I have had picks posted elsewhere and shit talked about me in several places from people i've banned... I don't care. It's things i hear and not things i go look for. People bashing at other sites shouldn't be focused on by you HERE.

                By the way, who cares what is done with your picks after posting them? I post here and only here knowing what happens to them on the web is up to the free world to decide. Anyone that posts anything in a public sight certainly knows that. I could care less if people take my picks to other places and lie about them or call them their own ... WHATEVER!

                I post here and they originate here like all the other members of our great site. Win or lose, nobody's picks mean more than anyone else'. We are here together and trying to win other people some money. It doesn't matter if 5 minutes or 5 hours time is used to cap. That is all a PERSONAL choice.

                Last thing. Why is it you get pissed off that we no longer allow service picks to be posted here? You want to be able to post pay service picks from people and their services here and there for FREE knowing the services don't appreciate it, YET, when someone else takes your free picks from a public forum and posts them elsewhere, a crime has taken place. Why is that???

                You should take a deep breath Neil and understand that there are ALOT less haters than you assume but constant threads like this create more daily. It's not worth the stress. Post some plays, sit back, enjoy all the friends you do have here, and enjoy the games.
                Last edited by wayne1218; 07-04-2006, 02:29 PM.


                • #83
                  Hope things are going well Neil, got to computer thought i would drop in and say hi

                  Wow, looks like i picked a bad time to stop in, just read a little of stuff and hope the shit doesnt hit the fan.
                  Last edited by jcindaville; 07-04-2006, 02:41 PM.
                  Questions, comments, complaints:
                  [email protected]


                  • #84
                    who cares what people say about your plays?why get so bent out of shape,like monte says forget those people in other forums.why do you go to them if you know that their negative comments are going to bother you go 0-7.look at what im going thru,i can't pick my nose right now so i list my thread as THE FADE ME PLAYS.hey i just want people to win on here and also get along is the biggest thing.i want to win also thats why i look at a varaity of peoples threads.i know of people on here that are fakes and use a set of plays from somewhere which i won't mention at this point in time but he knows that i know and he still posts his phoney plays.i post my own,win or lose they are my picks.but this one guy has you all fooled and you don't even know it.

                    also don't blame spark for anything here,hey he has a job to do here in keeping order in the forum and im sure the added bullshit he gets is not helping anything out here.he does what he has to do and thats it.he does not pick sides he just looks at the situation and makes the best decision of his ability.

                    thats my 2 cents and to tell you the truth im sorry i ever came into this thread cause i hate to see the fighting going on in here

                    I AM A NITWIT


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by molta02

                      You are right. This needs to be fixed, and the nonsense needs to stop. Everytime this shit starts up, us in the 3WM camp have a bad nite. I really don't know whats wrong with people: If you want to follow along and win, fine. If you don't like what you see, don't follow. And even worse is the fact that these LOSERS who have never won 26 out of 30 in their life jump in, then complain, and aggrevate the everyday followers in the 3WM camp. This is bullshit.
                      What flavor kool aid was served at the "3WM Camp" meeting this month?


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by rented mule
                        What flavor kool aid was served at the "3WM Camp" meeting this month?
                        It was Fruit Punch ...... And everyone there got a new patch for their jackets ......

                        "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                        is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Lsufan
                          It was Fruit Punch ...... And everyone there got a new patch for their jackets ......

                          Peter Griffin: Holy crip, he's a crapple.

