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3 Wise Men Monday 7-3-06

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  • #61
    Good Luck buddy with whatever you need to explain yourself to anyone are one of the hardest working and honest guys on here........either way , we'll be waiting to see the Wisemen picks again......thanks


    • #62
      What have I missed?!?!?!?! Somebody is complaining about 3Wise interleague results?!?!?!?! What?!?!?!?!?!?!?
      And, what's all this about "star ratings"? CB isn't your daddy or your baby sitter!


      • #63

        I know ... I know

        It's weird ... it's both comical and pathetic at the same time.

        Doesn't this blow your mind ?


        • #64
          "Doesn't this blow your mind ?"

          Yessir, CB, it sure does! Anyone who can read knows how good you guys are!


          • #65

            It's tough man

            You try to do the very best for people and then have to defend yourself on top of that

            26-4 and being second guessed to boot.

            I dont know what else I can do.

            It takes the heart out of you.

            Small wonder why I sound like a lunatic half of the time ... it's freaking nuts



            • #66
              Originally posted by Stern162
              Spark bann me if you want but I am about ready to vomit. Is this guy for real? You can all see what he is up to. I just can not believe how many followers he has. He would make a great Cult leader.
              Why do you even care?
              Circumstances do not make the man; they reveal him.


              • #67

                And you wonder about me sometimes wanting to give up posting altogether.

                I don't like sharing my work with INBREEDS


                I mean it Monte

                This is the last time I expect to see his garbage in my threads.


                • #68
                  you have got to be kidding coverboy
                  you need to chill out
                  "fix this swiftly and permanently"?????
                  its a message board you are going to read some posts you dont like, suck it up!


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by CoverBoy
                    And you wonder about me sometimes wanting to give up posting altogether.

                    I don't like sharing my work with INBREEDS


                    I mean it Monte

                    This is the last time I expect to see his garbage in my threads.


                    You are right. This needs to be fixed, and the nonsense needs to stop. Everytime this shit starts up, us in the 3WM camp have a bad nite. I really don't know whats wrong with people: If you want to follow along and win, fine. If you don't like what you see, don't follow. And even worse is the fact that these LOSERS who have never won 26 out of 30 in their life jump in, then complain, and aggrevate the everyday followers in the 3WM camp. This is bullshit.


                    • #70

                      Actually every time these Neanderthals stagger into the threads we go on a great winning streak.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Stern162
                        Come on idiot, you want to have it out lets go. I know I get to you and I just sit back and laugh. I know all you are is the poster boy for these guys. I know where these plays come from. You are just a sick old man who needs tons of attention.

                        And guys if this clowns leaves the 2 WISEMEN will still be posting.

                        Let me know if you have any more demands before I get banned. What a joke you are
                        Jeff you are not helping things right now ... You made yourself clear on the way you feel ... Let it go now ... Stay out of these threads .. Final warning ...

                        And I am not saying this because it was demanded .. I am saying it because he should not be in here antagonizing ... but I agree with one thing he said... no one should be making demands to the owner of this forum ... No One


                        • #72

                          You haven't gotten to me

                          We've won lots of money

                          All you've gotten is a migrane from having to think so much.

                          BTW ... BAN is Spelled B A N ... not Bann

                          Kudos to that school system of yours in that 2 meal shithole of a town you live in but are too ashamed to state where you are from.

                          What a LOSER


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by CoverBoy
                            That's exactly what I'm afraid of and so far I'm right.


                            I know ... I just know there was some J O H N N Y Come Lately Loser out there who played our games for the very first time last night. Thank God I asked everyone to play conservatively.

                            Not going to force the issue either ... I fear this is only the beginning.

                            This is the perfect time to take 7-10 days off.
                            LMAO..........lemme get this think because someone different then the same exact people played yer pics that all of a sudden you had a losing day? So now you are asking Monte for a list so you can make sure only who you want betting these plays can play them?

                            Did you by some freak of nature theink that you were the only person in America who told people to play the Detroit Tigers?

                            Get real are taking this too far especially for a grown man

                            What did you wait until someone was on life support and then try and negotiate a better contract with the hospital you worked for? You are actig very chilidish and you need to grow up and act yer age. Quit being a baby. BTW have a happy and blessed 4th of July and I dont mean that in the gambling sense and so you dont take that in the wrong way either I hope you win al of your picks and if you like to talk about this just between me and you I will. Im sure we can swap emails, phone numbers or IM's in some way shape or form just incase you think I am only trying to talk this out on the boards.

                            Last edited by MtrCtyPimp; 07-04-2006, 01:12 PM.


                            • #74
                              MC Pimp

                              Quote :

                              "What did you wait until someone was on life support and then try and negotiate a better contract with the hospital you worked for?"

                              You ask me a Q like this and then want us to swap emails and phone #'s ... like we're supposed to know each other let alone be buddies ?

                              No ... you should get real

                              I don't want anything to do with you any more.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by CoverBoy
                                Quote :

                                "What did you wait until someone was on life support and then try and negotiate a better contract with the hospital you worked for?"

                                You ask me a Q like this and then want us to swap emails and phone #'s ... like we're supposed to know each other let alone be buddies ?

                                No ... you should get real

                                I don't want anything to do with you any more.

                                You make demands like someone is supposed to just bend over backwards for this, stop this, cease are in need of some love. Good Luck to you in the future.........I wil stop myself from posting in yer threads w/o intervention. BTW if yer taking the day off since yer head hurts from all the work you do why are you even here today? We both know why you are here.

                                Last edited by MtrCtyPimp; 07-04-2006, 01:32 PM.

