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Pats caught again cheating (no surprise)

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  • #31
    Deflating a football can change the way it's gripped by a player or the way it travels through the air. Under NFL rules, each team provides balls each game for use when its offense is on the field. The balls are inspected before the game by the officiating crew, then handled during the game by home-team personnel.

    Colts tight end Dwayne Allen, however, said on Twit
    @NFLonFOX not a story. They could have played with soap for balls and beat us. Simply the better team. We have to continue to build! #BTMter that the issue still didn't affect the outcome of the game.


    • #32
      Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers said on his ESPN Milwaukee radio show that he didn't like how referees who inspected balls before games take air out of the balls.


      • #33
        However, the margin of victory and the fact that the Colts used the same game balls make it unlikely the cheating, if it occurred, had much of an impact on the game’s outcome. If the allegation is proven, the NFL could take away draft picks from the Partriots.

        The University of Southern California, under Lane Kiffin, was fined for deflating footballs in 2012 against arch-rival Oregon. Kiffin blamed a student-manager, who was fired.


        • #34
          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
          However, the margin of victory and the fact that the Colts used the same game balls make it unlikely the cheating, if it occurred, had much of an impact on the game’s outcome. If the allegation is proven, the NFL could take away draft picks from the Partriots.

          The University of Southern California, under Lane Kiffin, was fined for deflating footballs in 2012 against arch-rival Oregon. Kiffin blamed a student-manager, who was fired.
          You really are clueless. You know who is to blame, Brady and Belicheat. Do you think ball boy took it upon himself to let the air out of the balls. It had to be done with Brady and Belicheat's okay. Which leads me to believe that they didn't get this idea for the first time on Sunday morning. They probably did it the week before since the temperature was 20 degrees and Brady would have had a harder time gripping the ball. It's really funny how all the controversy seems to follow the Patriots around. Well I really believe in Karma. I hope the Seahawks rip Shady and Belicheat new assholes.


          • #35
            They also do not use the same game balls.

            Each team provides their own 12 balls for offense, they do not use the same ones.


            • #36
              It's the refs fault??

              You're kidding me I hope monte
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #37
                Originally posted by ravenmaniac View Post
                You really are clueless. You know who is to blame, Brady and Belicheat. Do you think ball boy took it upon himself to let the air out of the balls. It had to be done with Brady and Belicheat's okay. Which leads me to believe that they didn't get this idea for the first time on Sunday morning. They probably did it the week before since the temperature was 20 degrees and Brady would have had a harder time gripping the ball. It's really funny how all the controversy seems to follow the Patriots around. Well I really believe in Karma. I hope the Seahawks rip Shady and Belicheat new assholes.
                Blaming the refs, are you fucking kidding me.



                It's only cheating if someone notices it and if they didn't, it's their fault for not noticing it.


                How can you defend cheating????
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #38
                  Former Bucs QB Brad Johnson says he paid people to tamper w/ the footballs before Super Bowl XXXVII.

                  My point with this being, I think this happens all the time. I don't really look at it like it is cheating. I think it is a pathetic move by the Colts that makes them look like even bigger pussies imo.


                  • #39
                    Coaches around the league saying they think the Pats should lose a 3rd or 4th round draft pick tells me it's not really that big a deal either. Again, just my opinion.


                    • #40
                      Questions, comments, complaints:
                      [email protected]


                      • #41
                        [email protected]

                        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                        • #42
                          When the rain was coming down the hardest the Colts kept going 3 and out and the pats kept scoring. No doubt in my mind that Pats were the better team and should have won the game but that don't make it right. Just cause it didn't really change the outcome of the game it's still trying to cheat. Do teams and fans not have any integrity anymore?? Hell Tennessee players get suspended and I call them idiots out and don't defend them. Show some character you pats fans and admit yall were trying to cheat.


                          • #43
                            It wouldn't have mattered!!

                            Hey Folks..... the refs inflated the balls at halftime!! The 2nd half was played fair & square with legit footballs!! NE still pounded Indy's ass 28-0! End of story! Did they cheat?... yes! But it obviously wouldn't have made a lick of diff, as the Pats went onto beat Indy 28-0 in the 2H! Indy scored a stinking 7 points, which had nothing to do with deflated footballs. don't even think for a single moment that the footballs had anything whatsoever with the possible outcome of that game, because it didn't! Again, the entire 2nd half was played with legit inflated footballs, and NE pounded them 28-0.


                            • #44
                              Just my 2 cents on this issue.

                              First - each team supplies 12 game balls which are inspected a few hours before game time by the officials. Should the officials have felt the difference during the game ? Probably so, but they were also holding the balls with a towel between plays to try and keep them dry. If you watched the game, you saw that.

                              Second - the Patriots were the better team with a 45-7 win. The footballs made ZERO difference in that game.

                              Third, and to me most important - If the Patriots did this on purpose, and made a decision that this was going to be done, this decision was made when the score was 0-0. If they did this on purpose, it is obviously cheating and trying to gain an unfair advantage. You can say that it made no difference in the game, and you are correct. BUT, this decision was made when the score was 0-0 and the outcome of the game hadn't been decided yet and it is against the rules and it is cheating.
                              If the Pats did this, there is NO discussion on the issue - it is cheating to gain an unfair advantage. It is a right/wrong issue and there is NO grey area. It is blatantly cheating, if it was done.

                              Sean Payton was suspended for a year because he knew about "bounty gate" and he is the head coach and is responsible for EVERYTHING that occurs with the team. And, I feel the NFL was correct, he is the boss and he is responsible and he deserve his suspension. The NFL deemed he had lost control and he is responsible.

                              Belichek has been busted once before and whether other teams also spied on other teams makes NO difference - Belichek was the one caught.
                              If the Pats did this intentionally, it is cheating and Belichek is the person responsible - whether he know it or not - he is the one resposible.
                              Again, not a grey area, but a right/wrong issue.

                              My opinion is it is proven that the Pats did this on purpose, Belichek is the one who has to answer for it.

                              And like the saying goes - if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ,........

                              Just my opinion.
                              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                                Just my 2 cents on this issue.

                                First - each team supplies 12 game balls.

                                Just my opinion.
                                Dave. The above is 2 cents worth. Just sayin'....
                                [email protected]

                                I'm just here so I won't get fined....

