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Mike Tice

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  • Mike Tice

    Didn't see a thread about it, if there is one please merge this.

    Is it just me or does anyone else think this whole thing is blow a little bit out of proportion?

    1000 hours of tapes and this is all we got? He's no saint, but he's hardly the most abusive coach to ever walk into a gym either.

    Just my two cents. And no I haven't researched the topic for hours. And no I don't promote his behavior.

    Rutgers Basketball Coach Mike Rice Abusing His Players 2013 - YouTube

    From this video 80% of the "abusive clips" they show are really stretching it. The two HORRENDOUS ones were the throwing the ball above the players waist, and the cursing tangent where someone got called a faggot. Other than that, his actions aren't commendable, but he's no monster either...
    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"

  • #2
    and LOL. I misspelled RICE. hahahahah
    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


    • #3
      I think in today's sports world we are overly sensitive when it comes to physical or verbal anything, I.e. technical fouls for petty crap, nfl having way too many rules against defenders, and getting offended by stupid comments athletes make. In this case, though, this guy deserves everything hes getting. Of course he isnt going to injure a player by throwing basketballs at him and yeah im sure a lot of coaches do yell a mean thing here and there to their players. But this is a matter of principal; for one, that shit hes doing and saying isnt necessary. Also, I dont care how thick someones skin is, if you get treated like that by a coach it prolly makes you feel like shit in one way or another. More important than anything though is this guy just looks like hes being a genuine asshole while hes doing all of this in the videos. He doesnt seem to be coaching or caring about anything other than being a dick....iim upset that one of these players didnt deck that little shit right in the mouth. I dont care what kind of scholarship I was on..i would find the opportunity and punch him square


      • #4
        Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
        and LOL. I misspelled RICE. hahahahah
        I was afraid you were gonna say he was coming back to coach the Vikings


        • #5
          He should have been fired the minute the tape was seen last year. It was an absolute disgrace in my opinion and I felt really bad for those kids that looked pretty scared to me. You can treat other people's kids that way. Sorry but if that was my son getting kicked or a ball thrown at, I would have lost it on that coach.

          You also can't say the things he said. I mean c'mon, this is the same university that had a gay student kill himself over slurs a couple years ago. Is this guy really that fuckin stupid? It was very sickening IMO and I heard there were many, many hours of the same conduct so he gets no free pass for that either from me.


          • #6
            I think Rice got what he deserved. My only question is why was an asshole like Bobby Knight allowed to get away with the same kind of behavior for years


            • #7
              Originally posted by ravenmaniac View Post
              I think Rice got what he deserved. My only question is why was an asshole like Bobby Knight allowed to get away with the same kind of behavior for years
              Pretty much what I'm thinking. Are we really so naive to think that BK never threw a ball at a player, or grabbed the back of their jersey a little too hard?

              And I agree with you guys, some of it is unforgivable. But Re: Wayne's point about having hundreds of hours of tapes to show with the same behavior.... show me then.

              It would serve common sense to believe that this tape compiled the "worst of the worst" to paint Rice in as a poor a light as possible. They had THOUSANDS of hours worth of tapes to find bad things he's done. And they cut a minute and a half montage of clips pieced together and this is what they have? One faggot and a ball thrown too high?

              I don't think the guy's a saint, but I think when you give someone thousands of hours to put together a one minute clip, you could find a few bad things and make an outrageous video.

              In that same way, if I gave you a thousand hours of a playground kid shooting hoops in the park, I could compile a minute's worth of tape that makes him look like a stud of an athlete.

              And to beat the example to death, and perhaps have it ring home a bit, if I videoed you at work for a year.... and got a minute or two of your worst footage you'd probably look like a dick too.

              While it's wrong, I'm sure I'm not the only who's said or done some regrettable things while they work.

              I just think we all (the media more so than anyone) need to get off our moral high horse, and get rid of this holier than thou complex where we act as if WE'VE never done anything wrong, and are the first to jump down the throat of a man who has.
              "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


              • #8
                First off mavs, I never said "Hundreds" of hours of tapes. I said many and ESPN said that. Those tapes shown were from several different practices, not one or two and a few have come out like Murdock and said it was common practice there to be treated that way. A couple guys said the assistant was named baby rice or rice jr or something because he was always doing it too. I find it really hard to believe you are this naïve not to think it happened often there.

                Also, Knight probably did do it all the time too. So does that make it right or ok? His downfall was also getting it on video.

                I don't give a fuck if there is 5 minutes of tape or 500 hours. If you are coming in to my living room and playing mr nice guy to recruit my kid and tell me how great things will be, what am I supposed to think when I see this shit.

                I don't care what anyone says, if you don't have kids, you have no clue what it feels like to have kids and want to protect them from monsters like this prick. I have a son the same age as these guys and you can get up in his face and scream all you want if he is fucking up but if you lay a hand on him, kick him, throw balls at his head or call him a fuckin faggot, we are going to have major problems and it might end in a trip to jail for me because I would go after that mother fucker fists first.

                You also brushed right by the fact that this was the same College that had a gay student kill himself over being called the same shit. It was a sad story and national news so this dumb fuck should have shut his fuckin mouth when it came to that shit, ESPECIALLY THERE!


                • #9
                  And comparing it to kids on a playground or basketball court is ridiculous. This guy is paid to be a teacher/mentor. He isn't another student/punk that doesn't give two shits about you in a park.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                    And comparing it to kids on a playground or basketball court is ridiculous. This guy is paid to be a teacher/mentor. He isn't another student/punk that doesn't give two shits about you in a park.
                    It's a simple way to illustrate the fact that when you have that much material, you can paint any picture you want.
                    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
                      It's a simple way to illustrate the fact that when you have that much material, you can paint any picture you want.
                      Well, I disagree with that. I would love to see the footage from Coach K and his practices just to see if you could paint that picture. I'm guessing no and considering the dozens of athletes I've seen and heard on TV & Radio about this, they would agree. Every single one of them have said this was an absolute DISGRACE and if it was such common practice as you seem to think, I don't think they would say that.


                      • #12
                        Even Jim Boeheim on the Dan Patrick show yesterday said he couldn't watch after seeing it for just a few seconds. He said it was hard to see and hard to watch as a coach.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                          First off mavs, I never said "Hundreds" of hours of tapes. I said many and ESPN said that.

                          My bad.

                          Those tapes shown were from several different practices, not one or two and a few have come out like Murdock and said it was common practice there to be treated that way.

                          What way? I HIGHLY DOUBT he is pegging kids in the head with basketballs and calling people faggots on a daily basis. Going back to my point that if there was MORE evidence of this, we'd have seen it. I've seen the same 10-12 clips over and over.

                          A couple guys said the assistant was named baby rice or rice jr or something because he was always doing it too. I find it really hard to believe you are this naïve not to think it happened often there.

                          Show me then (not you, the media). I'll be the first to stand here and say "wow that's fucked up" when I see it. I think you're naive to think that there are more egregious acts than the ones we are seeing, and that they are just not showing them to us. I truly believe the clips you have seen are the worst of what he's done.

                          Also, Knight probably did do it all the time too. So does that make it right or ok? His downfall was also getting it on video.

                          Nah, it doesn't make it okay. Just illustrating the point that this isn't one time thing, and he's not the only person guilty of "this."

                          I don't give a fuck if there is 5 minutes of tape or 500 hours.

                          Disagree. 5 minutes of bad behavior and 500 hours are very different.

                          If you are coming in to my living room and playing mr nice guy to recruit my kid and tell me how great things will be, what am I supposed to think when I see this shit.

                          It's sports. And you're gonna' have a fit with this one.... but if you don't expect coaches to get out of line sometimes, then you've never been a part of a serious competitive team. However, I don't agree with a few of them, my point remains that this isn't the worst thing in the world.

                          I don't care what anyone says, if you don't have kids, you have no clue what it feels like to have kids and want to protect them from monsters like this prick.

                          He's hardly a monster. I could tell you I do have kids, my point would probably still be invalid.

                          I have a son the same age as these guys and you can get up in his face and scream all you want if he is fucking up but if you lay a hand on him, kick him, throw balls at his head or call him a fuckin faggot, we are going to have major problems and it might end in a trip to jail for me because I would go after that mother fucker fists first.

                          The faggot comment and ball at head are out of line. I've conceded this.

                          You also brushed right by the fact that this was the same College that had a gay student kill himself over being called the same shit. It was a sad story and national news so this dumb fuck should have shut his fuckin mouth when it came to that shit, ESPECIALLY THERE!
                          He said faggot once, and fairy once. From what I saw. ONCE. I don't know about you (and not to justify it), but I've said faggot a few times in my day too.
                          "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                            Well, I disagree with that. I would love to see the footage from Coach K and his practices just to see if you could paint that picture. I'm guessing no and considering the dozens of athletes I've seen and heard on TV & Radio about this, they would agree. Every single one of them have said this was an absolute DISGRACE and if it was such common practice as you seem to think, I don't think they would say that.
                            Did you really expect anyone to come on television/radio and say "no big deal." Of course not, there's backlash that comes with statements like that. No sane man is going to put his job on the line to defend a man thrwoing balls at college kids.

                            I just feel I'm in the minority for not thinking it's AS BAD as everyone else does.
                            "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                            • #15
                              Oh ok so I guess once is fine.

                              I seriously can't believe someone is even making light of or defending this guy for a minute. It is a very sad Country we are living in right now when there are people out there taking up for scumbags like Rice. That too is hard to watch.

