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Thoughts on this Play?

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  • Thoughts on this Play?

    Sportsbook has double result props for night games and some of the bigger afternoon games. Basically can be who will win/tie 1H, and who will win game. Tie 1h/ Favorite win is normally 14:1. Tie 1H / UD win is normally 16:1.

    I've been playing both sides of this for the past few SNF games in hopes any tie at half nets me a nice 7:1 score.


    What are the odds a play like this pays off in the long run?

    Spreads at or around 3 end the 1H in a tie more or less than 1 out of 8?
    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"

  • #2
    For one, I would bet that a tie at halftime doesn't happen nearly 1/8 times. I just looked at the last 3 days and that's 27 games without a tie at half (just skimmed through but I'm pretty sure). Even though most of those didn't have a 3-point spread, I would assume that if it happens often enough, 27 games would give one or two ties at half. Another thing is that even if it did happen closer to 1/8 times, you'd eventually take a huuuge hit on a bad losing streak. Just my opinion...but yeah I wouldn't get suckered into those kind of bets. Normally, anything beyond betting the spread is in the books favor, especially with bets like this that have a high payout. Even though the odds are stacked against them, people are going to be appealed to small bet/huge payout and the book is going to win.


    • #3
      Originally posted by weston555 View Post
      For one, I would bet that a tie at halftime doesn't happen nearly 1/8 times. I just looked at the last 3 days and that's 27 games without a tie at half (just skimmed through but I'm pretty sure). Even though most of those didn't have a 3-point spread, I would assume that if it happens often enough, 27 games would give one or two ties at half. Another thing is that even if it did happen closer to 1/8 times, you'd eventually take a huuuge hit on a bad losing streak. Just my opinion...but yeah I wouldn't get suckered into those kind of bets. Normally, anything beyond betting the spread is in the books favor, especially with bets like this that have a high payout. Even though the odds are stacked against them, people are going to be appealed to small bet/huge payout and the book is going to win.
      Agreed, most of those props are a sucker's bet. And this one probably is as well. Nice to hit it tonight, hopefully pull it in tomorrow as well. But I should quit while I'm ahead.
      "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


      • #4
        Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
        Agreed, most of those props are a sucker's bet. And this one probably is as well. Nice to hit it tonight, hopefully pull it in tomorrow as well. But I should quit while I'm ahead.
        Fuck, I'm an idiot..for some reason I was thinking you were talking about NBA games..but still I would guess that it is well in favor of the book as always

