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Knockonwood Poker Question!!!

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  • Knockonwood Poker Question!!!

    My wife just called me and is at some kind of charity auction...........She said that a bid for a 2 hour poker session with Greg Raymer (think I spelled right) is up for bid and closes at 1:00.........I need to leave the house at 11:30 and will be near there........The bid now is $500.........Question is for any poker players...........Would you bid on this time with him??? I figure once I got to know him, we could probably get together sometimes but may not....He only lives 10 to 15 minutes away from me......Any help would be Appreciated......Thanks for your time and help, Knock!

  • #2
    If you play alot of poker he is one of the best!


    • #3
      Thanks Trick I play every day........I'm going to be there at 1:00 and if the bid is not much higher than $500, I will bid........................He lives near me which is nice also.... Thanks again Buddy Knock!


      • #4
        Originally posted by knockonwood View Post
        Thanks Trick I play every day........I'm going to be there at 1:00 and if the bid is not much higher than $500, I will bid........................He lives near me which is nice also.... Thanks again Buddy Knock!
        in n carolina? if you don't mind me asking...


        • #5
          We both live in Raleigh Mark.............He moved here after Winning the WSOP........My Wife hung around till 1:00 to put a bid in but I haven't talked to her.........I'm taking her out tonite especially if she won the bid Actually, even if she didn't


          • #6
            probably out to a sports bar though


            • #7
              Depends on how much $500 means to you and how serious of a player you are. If you're just a casual player I don't think $500 would be worth it, unless you would really enjoy the experience of meeting him.
              "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


              • #8
                Thanks Mav It's not really anything to do with meeting him but picking his brain for a couple of hours and getting to know him........I play every day of the week, I have for a couple of years now.......I probably play average 4 hours per day at least.......I just think you could learn alot from someone like that.............My Wife knows as far as the $500, I play for more than I should.......After losing Fl. St. last night, she figured what's $500........I would have never thought of doing it but she suggested it, I've got a Good Wife She's got to be to put up with me for 22 yrs Thanks though I Appreciate it.....Heck I'll take advice from anyone on here, I believe in being the Best you can be if You do something......My ears are always open.......I'm hard headed when it comes to sports betting though, I think I already know it all I want to be the very best I can be at poker if I'm going to play the game.............Thanks again, Knock!


                • #9
                  My Wife just walked in and told me how she didn't win the bid........I told her I was going to take her out if she had...............Well, she bluffed me She won the bid and took the poker chips, cards and a nice frame with his picture in it and a nice certificate with it......Guess I'll be taking poker lessons Thanks again Everyone, Knock!


                  • #10
                    Congrats Knock! Have a good time, let us know how it goes.
                    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                    • #11
                      Thanks Mav, I will Buddy I really hate spending the money but I think it will be worth it.........I better go get ready, I'm taking my Wife out tonight Take Care, Knock!


                      • #12
                        Have a great time Woody ... Congrats!!!


                        • #13
                          Awesome Woody!!!

                          Get a pair of those famed glasses he wore!!!!


                          • #14
                            Man that is great let us know how it goes!


                            • #15
                              Thanks Spark, Wayne and Trick......................Probably sounds crazy in a way but I really want to go to another level in poker........He seems to be a pretty cool guy, should be fun anyway...........Hopefully I can sit in on some poker games with Wife is upset though, she thought everyone would tell me what a Great Wife I have Trust me, she deals with alot with me or maybe I should say puts up with alot with me......This may be soundib=ng crazy, we did go out and party tonight///////////////////// she can't let me out much maybe that's why she got the lessons..............I'm buzzed Good night!!! I'm going to play poker

