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Tiger Woods taken to hospital in 'serious' condition after car accident

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  • #46
    Cops Pursue Warrant in Woods Case
    Posted Nov 30th 2009 12:45AM by TMZ Staff

    Sources tell TMZ the Florida Highway Patrol is now focusing on obtaining a search warrant -- allowing them to seize medical records from the hospital that treated Tiger Woods -- in an attempt to determine if the wounds Woods sustained are consistent with a car accident or domestic violence.

    We're told authorities believe they can show probable cause a crime was committed, a necessary step in obtaining a warrant.

    One big piece of evidence showing probable cause ... sources tell us Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren told FHP troopers she went looking for Tiger in a golf cart, came upon the accident and then used a golf club to break the window to gain entry. That's a very different story from what she first told Windemere cops shortly after the accident -- she never mentioned a golf cart. Nordegren told Windemere police she had walked out of her house, saw the crash, went back inside to get a golf club and returned to the vehicle.

    TMZ has reviewed 21 photos from the scene -- no sign of any golf cart. But we just found another photo (below) from the scene, where you can see a golf cart in the foreground.

    And there's more ... although alcohol was not involved, Tiger was in and out of consciousness and TMZ has already reported Tiger told a friend he was taking ************ meds for pain, which could be evidence of DUI. This, too, could constitute probable cause to obtain a warrant.

    We're told the FHP is pursuing the search warrant option after getting shut down again Sunday in an attempt to interview Tiger and Elin and eyeball Tiger's wounds.

    As we first reported, according to sources, Tiger told a friend Elin had attacked him after she confronted him with reported allegations he had cheated on her. We're told Tiger told the friend Elin then followed him out of the house and struck the moving vehicle with the golf club, causing him to get distracted and hit the hydrant.

    If the FHP determines Elin attacked Tiger, we're told she could be arrested for domestic violence.
    NBA is a joke


    • #47
      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
      It's not like he's great looking. And the variety thing is only because he has money.
      Well of course it is b/c of the money, but dude, that's the world we live in. There are certain girls that are off limits to most of us, but there isn't a woman out there off limits for someone like Tiger. When you are someone of Tiger Woods' stature there is no trading up, only equals or trading down.

      Besides, I happen to think Tiger is rather dashing


      • #48
        Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
        Tiger Woods withdrew Monday from his own golf tournament, citing injuries from the ass-whooping his wife gave him at their Florida home. He said he would not compete again until next year.

        Woods said in a statement on his Web site that his injuries from the Nike 9 Iron his wife was beating his ass with prevented him from playing in the Chevron World Challenge. He was scheduled to hold a press conference Tuesday for the tournament, which he hosts annually for a small, invited, field.

        “I am extremely disappointed that I will not be at my tournament this week after fucking that crazy, freaky woman I flew in to Australia last week,” Woods said. “I am certain it will be an outstanding event and I’m very sorry that I can’t be there because my wife broke every fucking club I own in the house.”

        His decision to withdraw comes after the car crash left him with cuts and bruises when his SUV hit a fire hydrant and a tree while his wife constantly bitch slapped the golf great with 4 quick rights and a left leg kick to his groin early Friday outside his home in a gated Florida golf community. Woods was treated and released at a hospital after the accident, and has reportedly gotten his ass kicked again when he got home.

        By skipping the tournament, Woods will escape having to face TV cameras and a horde of media seeking more details about the smashup, yet he will have to spend the next few weeks waiting to see when his wife will strike again .

        Woods released a statement Sunday saying the accident was his fault for getting his balls stuck in the hole of his Australian date, but he did not address any of the questions still swirling around the beat down his wife put on him.
        I think that is how the story should go
        Last edited by insidethe8thpol; 11-30-2009, 05:50 PM.
        He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


        • #49
          Tiger made a poor Choice, He should have used a "Driver"

          Tiger is so rich he owns a bunch of expensive cars. Now he has a "hole in one"

          What's the difference between a car and a golf ball?
          Tiger can drive a golf ball 400 yards!


          • #50

            You a journalist??

            Maybe you work for NBC
            NBA is a joke


            • #51
              Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post

              You a journalist??

              Maybe you work for NBC
              He needs to be a man and just come out and say what really happened and move on.

              He's just lucky O.J. wasnt around and carjacked him while he was lying on the ground and chopped up his Caddy for memorabilia
              He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


              • #52
                Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
                He needs to be a man and just come out and say what really happened and move on.
                Why? Aside from the public's curiosity he doesn't owe anyone an explanation.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by frankb03 View Post
                  Why? Aside from the public's curiosity he doesn't owe anyone an explanation.

                  Yes and No,

                  The public does not need to know.

                  She changed her story to the police about how the window was broken. Charges may be pending against her if she hit him with the club. Police dont like to be lied to.

                  Also, his sponsors have a right to know as they have invested in him.
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                    Tiger made a poor Choice, He should have used a "Driver"

                    Tiger is so rich he owns a bunch of expensive cars. Now he has a "hole in one"

                    What's the difference between a car and a golf ball?
                    Tiger can drive a golf ball 400 yards!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post

                      Also, his sponsors have a right to know as they have invested in him.
                      No they don't. If nobody is charged with anything, they don't need to know shit.


                      • #56
                        This guy makes millions playin a GAME.Sponsors,Fans,and the public should know the truth.If he's not lying,dont put the police off.Just another case of a high paid,thug athlete,gettin in trouble with the law.I dont make millions,and the police dont come to my house.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                          Well of course it is b/c of the money, but dude, that's the world we live in. There are certain girls that are off limits to most of us, but there isn't a woman out there off limits for someone like Tiger. When you are someone of Tiger Woods' stature there is no trading up, only equals or trading down.

                          Besides, I happen to think Tiger is rather dashing
                          Damn you are so right brotha!!!!


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by frankb03 View Post
                            Why? Aside from the public's curiosity he doesn't owe anyone an explanation.
                            Right On


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by frankb03 View Post
                              Why? Aside from the public's curiosity he doesn't owe anyone an explanation.
                              He don't owe us shit Frank.Thats how sick of a people we have gotten,the news makes everyone seem like the old ladies in a hair shop.Hell, every couple in America argues and he shouldn't have to explain his and hers to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Big Country 5 View Post
                                This guy makes millions playin a GAME.Sponsors,Fans,and the public should know the truth.If he's not lying,dont put the police off.Just another case of a high paid,thug athlete,gettin in trouble with the law.I dont make millions,and the police dont come to my house.
                                screw the police. They can't be trusted with shit and they would "Leak" anything they could. They were at the scene and charged nobody with nothing. End of story. Tiger doesn't owe them shit.

