What did everyone think of that bullshit call in the 12th inning last night when the 2nd base umpire called Cabrera safe saying Aybar missed the bag while turning the double play. I agree he missed the bag but you can make that call at least once a game all year long but they rarely ever do. I have seen the ss or 2nd baseman 5 feet away from the base when they get the throw and the umpires call the out 99% of the time. While it certainly didn't cost the Angels the game, it was never the less a horrible call. You don't make that call in a playoff game when you don't make the call all year. I have seen some of the worse umpiring in the playoffs this year that I can remember. You would think MLB would bring their best umpires for the playoffs. If these guysare the best then I would hate to see the worse.
