Wayne I know you're a stand up guy and go way out of your way to try to work w/peeps on ALL of THESE pools for the enjoyment of others . But Honestly why STRESS yourself out w/a Dick Wad like that ??
League starts $$$$ due .... give a short amt.of time to pay up , show yourself to be a whiney ass loser = GTFO
Have a Lobster Roll and enjoy life !!
VONDIE'S sorry ass
Again, thanks for running ALL the pools that you and the MRS. both work on in a mostly, thankless capacity .
Thanks dawg. I just couldn't believe he said i was whining. WTF? I'm trying to get the damn pool finalized. He also thinks i'm from Boston too and get paid to work here. The guy was an absolute fucken idiot. Go find someone to have sex with? I mean seriously, is he 15 years old or what? Wtf does that have to do with anything? I guess he doesn't know i have a wife either. Just a fucken loser.
People like Chado used to get pissed because i wouldn't put in his NFL picks every week last year but that was one of the few pools with a website and set deadline that ran itself. It was setup that way for a reason, because i have too many other things going on to worry about people and their mistakes in that one. It's on them, not me.
Hey how did I get brought into this again?
No but seriously appreciated you throwing them in for the first couple times I wasnt on time with the picks. However is that going to be changed this year with that website allowing you to still put your picks in even if you missed some Thursday or Saturday game?
No but seriously appreciated you throwing them in for the first couple times I wasnt on time with the picks. However is that going to be changed this year with that website allowing you to still put your picks in even if you missed some Thursday or Saturday game?
It think it is set up that way but you would have to go look. Just do what i do, put them all in before the 1st game of the week and forget about it.
From: Jason Vondersmith
Subject: Here, I'll give you more thing to post in your little thread
To: "Wayne" <***********************>
Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 12:07 PM
It's amazing to me that a grown ass man like yourself, would need to get so worked up over 50 dollars. 50 dollars that you weren't even out yet. You paid no one that money. You got mad at me cause I retailated to your shit talking? I don't know what world you live in, that you think "owning a blackberry" makes one so filthy rich. I told you the money was coming, and it was. You should take your part of the blame for letting things get escilated too. You guys can have your website. Tell all the other internet tough guys that I too think they are "bitches". Gl running all your pools that gives your life meaning, maybe one day someone other than your mother will love you.
The more I read this CRAP from him the more I shake my head..I feel like my head is going to fall off..Does this guy truly believe in what he is saying..What does he do when he owes his book money?? Could you see that scenario--? What a joke-
He is attacking you instead of just dealing with the issue at hand--he entered a contest-Pay the money or just shut the fuck up---I can't see where he doesn't realize what a dick he looks like. I guess it just shows the person he is and why not many liked him here anyway---
yes it is--sorry you had to put up with this crap!
I am sure you wonder why you do these polls at times..
I am sure most people are good at paying and being a responsible adult--but shit like this I am sure makes you just want to say fk it...
Thanks for all the shit you do for this forum Wayne and this is the last thing you need to deal with---ok I spoke my peace!
It's amazing that people see things with blinders on. Vondie. It's really simple. YOU ARE WRONG FOR NOT PAYING WHAT YOU OWE ON TIME.
Seriously. Are you that ignorant? What part of, "you shouldn't let this go past one day let alone 6 months," don't you get?
What part of, "Wayne does this for free and shouldn't have to carry your $50 one extra day," don't you get?
Are you mentally challenged? How did Wayne escalate this?
There's a pool and you want in. You owe $50 and don't pay what you owe into the entrance fee. Wayne allows several weeks past the due date to pay and you send ignorant emails claiming payment's on its way and call out Wayne.
What are any of us missing? Geezus, you just can't be this stupid. But I guess so. You need to grow the fuck up.
I know you think that because you've entered the pools for 3 years that you're good for it. Well bullshit. I don't care if you've entered these pools for 50 years. Wayne can't assume that some guy on the internet that he doesn't know from Adam, is just going to pay. If everyone in the pool did this, there wouldn't be any pools. Douche. And if you won and Wayne didn't send you the money for 6 months, what would you be saying to him?
To quote Dean Wormer from Animal House, "fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."
From: Jason Vondersmith
Subject: Here, I'll give you more thing to post in your little thread
To: "Wayne" <***********************>
Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 12:07 PM
It's amazing to me that a grown ass man like yourself, would need to get so worked up over 50 dollars. 50 dollars that you weren't even out yet. You paid no one that money. You got mad at me cause I retailated to your shit talking? I don't know what world you live in, that you think "owning a blackberry" makes one so filthy rich. I told you the money was coming, and it was. You should take your part of the blame for letting things get escilated too. You guys can have your website. Tell all the other internet tough guys that I too think they are "bitches". Gl running all your pools that gives your life meaning, maybe one day someone other than your mother will love you.
Hugs and kisses
He's acting like a child. Just pay the monies that you owe. You've owed the money for 6 months. And you wanted to enter more contests while still owing $50.
This guy is the biggest loser i have seen in my years here .........
From: Jason Vondersmith
Subject: Re: Here, I'll give you more thing to post in your little thread
To: "Wayne" <***********************>
Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 8:29 AM
Let's not forget you're the one who got bent out of shape here, this all could have been over when you said "send me the money and i'll send you a link". Which I told you was fine and that you would see the net amount in the middle of august before these pools got rolling. If you didn't see the money then, then you could have gotten all upset about getting stiffed. Don't forget that your the one who told me not to pay you. If I was going to stiff you (like i've said 200 times) why would you have heard from me? you wouldn't have. That's the problem with you, you don't think.
When did you start the shit talking? When you start making assumptions about me, who you don't even know. What you know is some shit you read a bunch of times on a website. So don't act like you know me. "oh you have a blackberry so times must not be so tough" I wish you could realize how retarded that sounds. You make assumptions about me, and said what you said to me, so I in turn made my assumptions about you, (that you're a piece of shit, you hail from boston, you have a problem handling authority) and you didn't like that very much. Probably cause most of it was true. If it wasn't true you most likely would have laughed it off. Maybe you shouldn't take yourself so seriously.
You think I'm angry? This is all so comical to me. "spark told me to post the emails". haha, so you are sparks bitch now? I don't care that you posted them, I'm glad you did. You notice only a few people jumped in that thread right? and those are the ones who have you as their only friend. Just like they are your only "friends".
I appriciate you wishing me a "nice and angry life". That is very kind of you. I wish you all the best as well. maybe you'll hit one of those GOY's sooner or later. Keep sweating out 20 dollars a game on the WNBA. Maybe one day you'll be significant.
From: Wayne <***********************>
Subject: Re: Here, I'll give you more thing to post in your little thread
To: "Jason Vondersmith"
Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 8:28 PM
1st off Jason, i made no fucken assumptions about you until AFTER you were a total fucken douchebag to me. Go read the thread. 2nd, you're fucken right i got bent. I shouldn't have to spend 6 fucken months chasing $50 fucken dollars and everyone in that thread agreed. What part of you are the ONLY one who hasn't paid didn't you understand? I don't give a fuck when the pools are paid out or who holds the money. The rules are if you play, you pay. You don't keep fucken telling them the money is on the way and 6 months later say in another month. Grow the fuck up and act like an adult. It's not my job to babysit or chase money and the last thing i want to do is chase money from February when football is starting. You are seriously fucken clueless here and you continue to be. I don't care what you think. It's pretty obvious who the POS is and i just have to read that thread to confirm that. And why would i have heard from you? BECAUSE YOU NEEDED TO TURN IN A FUCKEN NASCAR PICK EACH WEEK. That's why. How the fuck do i know if you would either A) Stop turning in picks at any time or B) Wait til the season is over and not pay. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I WAS TRYING TO COLLECT THE MONEY?
I also don't give a flying fuck about your blackberry but i do know one thing and 2 guys who own a cellular store at BC told me, they fucken cost more than a basic cell phone and if you can afford that upgrade THEN PAY YOUR FUCKEN DEBTS!