Jeff I will tell you what I will do.I feel so good about my boy winning Saturday night with me in the stands that I will post a thread titled "Dale Jr is a Fag" if he loses and you have to post a thread saying "I love Dale Jr's Balls" if he wins.What do you say.A friendly wager with alot of pride at stake.
Oh I see shit talkin' time. This is 1st time I noticed any of this. Well once again the truth hurts. Mavs, this is how Jr. fans are, they can't admited he sucks!!!
I post the thread, but when he loses you post "I want Kyle Buschs' cock"
He changes the bet here from Dale jr to a Kyle Busch thread
I don't know, looks like he accepted the bet when he said:
" I post the thread, but when he loses you post "I want Kyle Buschs' cock" "
Who knows? You two can fight it out over your NASCAR pride.
This thread is all about Dale Jr.His response to my bet was to bring Kyle Busch into it.It was all about Dale Jr and he backed down.It was like kicking his ass back in middle school and then him saying "Oh yeah,well my dad could beat up your dad" It just shows his mentality Mavs.
Jeff I will tell you what I will do.I feel so good about my boy winning Saturday night with me in the stands that I will post a thread titled "Dale Jr is a Fag" if he loses and you have to post a thread saying "I love Dale Jr's Balls" if he wins.What do you say.A friendly wager with alot of pride at stake.
Bump for Mavs to find Kyle Busch's name anywhere in this quote!!!!!!