It is great deal for the Red Sox for sure and just shows you how good a GM Theo is to get that deal done as opposed to the lunacy and stupidity of (Unlimited) CASH(man) who is competely clueless as to how to wisely spend his money with CC being the latest example.
After Burnett signs, it will be 1/4 Billion spent on 2 players!
My point to savage was simple though 3J. If you asked the other 29 teams who they would take if they could have Pedroia at 6.75 per year or Lowell at 12.50 million per year, who do you think all 29 would choose?
You said he had a great "Year" but really, he has had 2 great years in 2 years of play. In 2007 he was a Rookie and a big part of a WS Winner and he wins Rookie of the Year. In year 2 he Wins the League MVP, the Gold Glove and a Silver Slugger Award. This guy has done ALOT in just 2 years and that contract was a steal for Boston. If savage talks about any contracts in Boston as being great deals, Pedroia's should top the list. That's all i'm saying. Where is the love for Dustin? You know??
Im totally applaud Pedroia for what he did! More players should think along the same lines, and it would be better for all except some of the despicable and greedy agents.
Plus you have Arod signed for another 1/4 Billion. That is 1/2 Billion dollars guaranteed to 3 players!
And if they don't win the WS, then what? Perhaps they will exhume and sign Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Mickey Mantle, Cy Young, Ted Williams(his head anyways), and a few others and of course bring back Casey Stengel or perhaps Billy Martin to manage them;assuming that these guys wouldn't know what the going price is today, you could probably sign all of them at bargain rates.
My second wish is that Yankees sign Barry Bonds;they could probably get him for "chump change"(on Yankees scale) at 10 million or so for one season as insurance to win the WS in case CC doesn't live up to expectations.
After Burnett signs, it will be 1/4 Billion spent on 2 players!
The philosophy of simply signing and building your team around good players from teams which never win doesn't always work out as the Yankees have found out since 2000.
I will be very much surprised if the Yankees run away and hide this year no matter how many free agents they sign;spending a lot of money may get you a very fine house or car but it doesn't guarantee a championship team;there are simply too many variables and intangibles to make it that easy.
All I want for Chistmas is:
1.The Falcons to make the playoffs
2.Monte Kiffin to come coach with Lane
3.Dale Jr to win the Championship next year.
4.T.O. to retire because word leaked out that he's gay
5.And most important,A PLAYOFF in college football