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  • Hpmef

    I bought some HPMEF(precious metal stock) just a few days ago at 1.10 and sold 1/2 today at 1.55.It is now at 1.75
    I can't find any news though;I have learned not to get too greedy with speculative stocks of this nature.
    One thing I want to say and it is obviously my opinion only: just be careful with stocks which are promoted via mail, internet, tips, etc.
    Believe me, most of these are crap, and if you buy enough of them, you will lose bigtime-trust me.
    If you get lucky like I did with this one, don't hold out for every last cent profit and sell some when you see a decent percentage profit.
    Stocks such as this this one can collapse and I mean collapse very quickly with no warning.

  • #2
    Its up to $1.92. Nice profit so far-can't decide whether to hold on here for more profit and/or sell some more and lock in existing profit.
    Stocks like this cannot be evaluated in the same way as more solid ones for obvious reasons. Can you spell s p e c u l a t i o n?


    • #3
      I should have listened to my own advice as the stock has dipped back to $1.50 level.
      I would probably buy some more if it goes back into $1.30 range.


      • #4
        Originally posted by savage1
        Believe me, most of these are crap, and if you buy enough of them, you will lose bigtime-trust me.
        If you get lucky like I did with this one, don't hold out for every last cent profit and sell some when you see a decent percentage profit.
        Forget Penny stocks and all similar type BS. They are long shots and poor investments. Invest in Mutual Funds and ETFs. Leave the investing to the experts.

        I'm in a ProFund Precious Metals Ultra Inv (PMPIX). I bought 15k about 4 months at 39.82. I sold all but 4k last week at 53.07.

        In December I invested approx 120k in mutual funds and ETFs. My investment has profited almost 23k.


        • #5
          Well said Cheech..
          Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


          • #6
            Originally posted by CheechB03
            Forget Penny stocks and all similar type BS. They are long shots and poor investments. Invest in Mutual Funds and ETFs. Leave the investing to the experts.

            I'm in a ProFund Precious Metals Ultra Inv (PMPIX). I bought 15k about 4 months at 39.82. I sold all but 4k last week at 53.07.

            In December I invested approx 120k in mutual funds and ETFs. My investment has profited almost 23k.
            I certainly can't argue with your premise, and I speak from personal experience.
            My father died a very wealthy man, and he did it from buying stock in good quality and proven companies and patiently holding them.
            As I have said, while I dabble in penny stocks, most of my money is professionally managed, as I know that if I invested that money in speculative stocks, well lets just say it wouldn't be around too long.
            The touts who promote these things only tell you about the winners and not the thousands which never make it.


            • #7
              Do not count on big name. They are just as dangerous as any stocks out there. World evolve and so is America. Just look at the fact that only one of the Dow Jones components managed to stay on the list from the begining to now. It proves that all these glorious, the biggest, and the best name in the business eventually disappears or tarnish. History always repeat.
              Look at some of these used to be the biggest names in their industry, Prodigy & AOL - the biggest name in Internet Service, IBM & Texas Instrument - the biggest name in PC market, McDonnel Douglass - the biggest name in airplane manufacturer, GM & FORD & Chrysler - the biggest name in automobile, ACE Hardware-the biggest name in hardware store, and so on.
              It is very hard to stay on top, why? If you just started a business, you are hungry, highly motivated, and focused. It is very hard to stay that way forever.
              Only thing safe to hold long term is S&P 500. It is very risky to go long on any stock. However, it is very good strategy to hold one to three years. You can not and not even the company CEO knows about the company's future plan beyond three years. They may know vision but not specific plan.
              First, US is not the place to invest in right now. Sure the indices moved up since the begining of the year but that is only weighted by foreign stocks, oil, and precious metal. If you take them out, US market is in minus zone for two years in a raw.


              • #8
                Snyking-I agree with some of what you say but not all.
                A lot has to do with the insight and perceptions of the individual investor.
                Case in point-my father (he died at age 90 in 2003) inherited stock from his father in Gillette so many years ago I hate to comment.
                He held this stock and added to it over the years.
                With the splits and price appreciation, he made a lot of money both on an absolute and percentage basis.
                While buy and hold may not be the best strategy for everyone and under all market conditions, I would venture to say that it will work better than for most folks who try to trade and or invest in "get rich" penny stocks.
                ps of course one should diverify(as did with my father) and have a certain percentage of your money in commodites like oil and precious metals.
                Last edited by savage1; 04-27-2006, 10:59 AM.

