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  • Originally posted by Tag667
    There is news this morning that the company just got new funding and also hired a new Director of Business Development. If you want to make a quick buck today, buy in early at .0009 or .0010 and sell it later in the day. The stock will go up on the news but most likely will settle down again. My 2 cents.

    Here's the news from today:


    • RJ Let me know when you get another hot tip on a stock where I can make a quick buck or two.



      Got a new e mail address the other one is gone just so you know incase you try to get ahold of me via e mail.
      Best of Luck Everyone

      2012 Record:

      1 unit = $100

      ***All sides and totals -110 unless noted***

      ***Teasers are -120 & 7 Points on Sides and 5 Points on Totals ties push****


      • Originally posted by BIGTEX
        Just got off the phone with my friend that is the CFO of a energy company in Colorado. He is familiar with CNES. He said that there is alot companies out there that are doing this and the technology is very simple. He said unless they are doing things very different, than this company is a total crap shoot. He said most of the long term positions have sold their shares. He also told me that most investors with this stock see it as a get rich quick cinderella stock, and he does not think it will ever happen. He advised me to sell, and that is what I am doing. Just some info, good luck to you guys that stay in.

        Did he tell you what other companies? Symbols? As those could be some good picks.


        • All the other players that he knew were privately held companies.


          • ok, saw a good 22% gain today.........and supposedly this .001 - .0011 range is the new low.........and it should continue to rise.


            • Ok guys, we're back to .0014's what came out today:


              $$ HOT PICK OF THE WEEK $$

              Stock Alert! = Conectisys Corp.
              Ticker Symbol = CNES
              Market Cap = $ 12.12M
              Sector: Technolgy
              Industry: Scientific & Technical Instruments
              Website =
              Short Term Target Price = $0.025
              Disclosure = We Own Shares
              Recommendation = MEGA BONUS BUY !!!

              Information To Consider

              H-Net™_Simply_Stated ConectiSys has developed a low-cost Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) solution for both residential and commercial utility markets. The product is called H-Net™; and is imbedded under glass within an electrical utility meter. The H-Net™ Network has been designed exclusively for the Electrical Utility Industry. The H-Net™ core is a unique proprietary protocol, that allows for two-way Meter to Meter, Base-collector, to NOC (Network Operating Center) communications, that displays real-time consumer consumption data 4 times an hour 24 hours a day via the internet at a fraction of traditional meter reading costs; all this within a wireless tower-less network.

              ConectiSys desires to be a leading nationwide provider of Wireless Commercial Telecommunications. The Company is specifically targeting the "Automatic Meter Reading" (AMR) market for the Electrical Utility Industry. Our products and services were designed to satisfy the needs of a newfound deregulated energy market.

              ConectiSys Corporation a developer of automatic meter reading technologies, announced today that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has certified and issued Grant IDENTIFIER: SNKHNET50BS8 for its 8C-BaseStation; one of three grants issued representing the entire network equipment for commercialization and sales.

              ConectiSys Corporation a developer of automatic meter reading technologies, announced today that it C Receives New Financing

              ACCUMULATION the Key Word
              WARNING.......A Contract with Conectisys Corp. is
              growing near.


              • While it's good news that the stock came up a little, be very careful if you're thinking of buying in now. That website ( looks like a typical "bump n dump" scam. The first tip-off is :

                " Disclosure = We Own Shares" -- they have a vested interest

                The 2nd is:

                "ConectiSys Corporation a developer of automatic meter reading technologies, announced today that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has certified and issued Grant IDENTIFIER: SNKHNET50BS8 for its 8C-BaseStation; one of three grants issued representing the entire network equipment for commercialization and sales."

                This news was in the press release from 1/31/06, not today.

                I may be wrong, but i expect to see a big selloff later on today and the price to drop down again. I might just dump some shares soon and buy in again when/if it comes back down.


                • usually when they have a vested interested they tell u not to invest
                  OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
                  NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
                  NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4


                  dont call my p.o.


                  • Originally posted by Tag667
                    While it's good news that the stock came up a little, be very careful if you're thinking of buying in now. That website ( looks like a typical "bump n dump" scam. The first tip-off is :

                    " Disclosure = We Own Shares" -- they have a vested interest

                    The 2nd is:

                    "ConectiSys Corporation a developer of automatic meter reading technologies, announced today that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has certified and issued Grant IDENTIFIER: SNKHNET50BS8 for its 8C-BaseStation; one of three grants issued representing the entire network equipment for commercialization and sales."

                    This news was in the press release from 1/31/06, not today.

                    I may be wrong, but i expect to see a big selloff later on today and the price to drop down again. I might just dump some shares soon and buy in again when/if it comes back down.

                    I think it's a BS site too, but just wanted to share what was being said about them.

                    I wouldn't sell off any now. I sat on this for the longest time as it hovered around .0003 and .0004, and it broke through that low and now looks like the new low is the .0011-.0012 range, looking to make it to .002


                    • Just got in today at .0012. I've been reading a lot of good things on numerous message boards for the the past two months or so about Conectisys. I picked up 2 mil. shares mostly with my winnings from riding Florida in the tournament. Let's hope some news of some contracts leaks soon.


                      • CNES briefly went up to .0016 and back down to .0012.


                        • Originally posted by madmax6
                          CNES briefly went up to .0016 and back down to .0012.

                          Did it again today. Went from .0013 and hit .0016, but went back down. We're seeing some slow gains, but it's gonna explode here soon.


                          • Almost like someone is moving this thing on their own for 10% pops.


                            • Originally posted by winner
                              Almost like someone is moving this thing on their own for 10% pops.

                              nah, not when there's hundreds of millions of shares being traded everyday. As soon as they release news of a contract, we're in business.

                              They're now developing a sales force and we should be on our way


                              • I'm still holding on to my shares man. I'm looking at it as a LOOONG term investment.
                                Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers

