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  • #31
    Rj and Jackal, if this thing hits .5 I would only get 115 grand, hehe
    Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


    • #32
      LOL .50 = $1,000,000+

      though I must admit, id probably puss out if I made more then $100,000!

      Im seeing 0.0021 now haha this is fun... so dangerous but so fun
      Thank you Ryan Howard! <--- ITS A WINNER!

      2012 CFB: 3-7
      2012 NFL: 3-3


      • #33
        Hey jackal, instead of puss out I thought I read pass out. Just about the same i guess, haha
        Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


        • #34
          i got 500k shares
          OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
          NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
          NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4


          dont call my p.o.


          • #35
            Actually If i made $10,000 id probably sell em and get into the world series of poker lol...
            Thank you Ryan Howard! <--- ITS A WINNER!

            2012 CFB: 3-7
            2012 NFL: 3-3


            • #36
              Does anyone use online trading service? If so what ones, Do they trade these over the counter stocks? THX


              • #37
                i use Scottrade like RJ. Sold 1/2 of my Sirius stock and put it into CNES! Go Stern, and go Meter Reader!


                • #38
                  I own SIRI too it really really sucks
                  Boxing 0-1


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by SNOWMAN
                    I own SIRI too it really really sucks

                    i dumped SIRI a long time ago...........if you still have it, just hang onto will go up, but not for awhile.....


                    • #40
                      It looks like this company got a similiar FCC approval last year around this time with no sales possibilitites in the pipeline. And getting cash loans and paying 18% interest? Are they going to loan sharks? Wish there was more info on this just out of a pump and dump fear. RJ?


                      • #41
                        On the pump and dump matter. It looks like this stock was emailed out heavily from a number of pink sheet newsletters today and yesterday.


                        • #42
                          RJ, Tread lightly, you're chances are better wagering on a 2 legged pony to win. this company is a sham. no revenues and 8 billion shares outstanding.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Shaun32
                            RJ, Tread lightly, you're chances are better wagering on a 2 legged pony to win. this company is a sham. no revenues and 8 billion shares outstanding.

                            I appreciate the concern guys.......... I've been doing this for about 10 years, I'm not a rookie. I was a stock broker and worked in the WTC until June 2001. I'm very interested in the market still, and follow it very closely.

                            I'm not asking anyone to buy this stock, just sharing a helpful "tip".......... please take it or leave it.

                            And there's no revenue because they have yet to land their first contract.

                            the market is a risk, especially with stocks that are worth a hundredth of a penny, but those are also the ones that can make you a ton of cash. 90% of my portfolio is in very large cap stocks......but i play around with ones like this too, and have made a ton of $$$ on them.

                            Another one is: MYNG


                            • #44

                              CNES ConectiSys, Stock Trading Message Board
                              CNES ConectiSys, Stock Message Board, News, DD, Quote

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                              From: NewsBot
                              Date: February 3, 2006 05:55:24 PM

                              CNES Entire Network Product Line FCC Approved

                              ConectiSys Corporation (OTC BB: CNES message board, news, dd, quote), a developer of automatic meter reading technologies, announced today that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has certified and issued Grant IDENTIFIER: SNKHNET50BS8 for its 8C-BaseStation; one of three grants issued representing the entire network equipment for commercialization and sales. View FCC IDENTIFIER: SNKHNET50BS8 (

                              H-Net(TM) Networks and products have been designed exclusively for the Electric Utility Industry. When you combined the above FCC Grants, on a free public band, the results are a unique wireless technology that employs a robust plug and play machine to machine, neuron driven data encrypted commercial communicator ready for commercial release and sales in the US, Canada and South America.

                              H-Net(TM) core is a unique proprietary architecture that allows for two-way communications between our advanced MeterSystem and the C-NES(TM) Network Operation Center. The wireless H-Net(TM) Network architecture employs peer-to-peer communications for up to 7,500 points of information per data collector. The NOC displays real-time consumption data, 4 times an hour, 24 hours a day, via the Internet at traditional cost; all within a wireless, tower-less private network.

                              In Further News

                              The next major step in the Company's evolution is to acquire state and local licensing for Meter Data Management Agent Certification. This is to include requirements for disaster recovery. The combined archive centers will include the ConectiSys daily operations, laboratory and sales offices in support of our wireless AMR networks; providing on demand client and energy consumer integrated services.

                              The company has experienced some delays but looks forward to moving into its new location in February to complete the MDMA approval process. Read more on this topic in our next monthly report scheduled for release March 7th. Apply to receive the ConectiSys Monthly Reports at ConectiSys Corporation (

                              Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein that are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the Company's control including, but not limited to, market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in certification by the Federal Communications Commission of the Company's H-Net(TM) wireless metering system or its H-Net(TM) Base Station unit, or the failure to obtain those certifications, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's periodic reports and other filings with the Securities & Exchange Commission.

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                              • #45
                                Long time since I posted here.

                                This smells like trouble, lots of people throwing money at a stock worth less than a half a penny.

                                Be careful here, and I hope for RJ's sake that this doesnt fall back down to .000000 whatever.

                                There is a reason this stock trades at this level and the odds it hits 10 cents are 1000 to 1, I dont care what technology or approval they have.


