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Hot Stock

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  • Hot Stock

    I mentioned this stock about 6 months ago, not sure if anyone picked any up or not, but it's up 200% today alone!!!

    Volume is almost at 4 Billion!

    They finally got everything approved through the FCC, which is what they were waiting on, now they are in the process of getting their first couple contracts:

    Ticker: CNES or CNES.OB


    GL if you buy it, just thought I'd share this again.

  • #2
    Nice, stock price is at 0.0015. I can actually afford a million shares of something.


    • #3
      closed out at + 240% today!


      • #4
        after going up 240% today, how much more do you expect them to go up? funny if they goto a penny a share youre up another 600^%... lemme know, i may throw a little on it
        Thank you Ryan Howard! <--- ITS A WINNER!

        2012 CFB: 3-7
        2012 NFL: 3-3


        • #5
          $1700 for 1,000,000 shares heh.. can only dream if that thing goes to $1 or $2 a share
          Thank you Ryan Howard! <--- ITS A WINNER!

          2012 CFB: 3-7
          2012 NFL: 3-3


          • #6
            Originally posted by jackal
            $1700 for 1,000,000 shares heh.. can only dream if that thing goes to $1 or $2 a share

            It is supposed to go to $.50 a share. I have 2 million shares right now...........i can't imagine if it went to $.10. I'm just asking for 10 cents a share, that's all!

            Read about the company, they're pretty much the only company that does what they do........they finally just got FCC approval and are now getting contracts........this is only the beginning!


            • #7
              Any other info you can share or links to sites, if allowed. Tried to read some info but it's very techniical and confusing. Thanks for the tip and good luck with it.


              • #8
                ConectiSys Corporation (CNES) was incorporated on February 3, 1986, in Colorado. Since 1995 it has been a commercial telecommunications company in the development stage. ConectiSys is the parent company of two wholly owned subsidiaries, United Telemetry Co., Inc. and, Inc.

                ConectiSys Corporation is a Colorado company with approximately 6,000 shareholders. It is the desire of the Company's founders and affiliates to finance and market its wholly owned subsidiaries while preparing the path for an initial public offering (IPO) of said entities, thus allowing the incubated entities to fully mature through greater public participation. ConectiSys Corporation is an OTC,BB; trading symbol: CNES

                ConectiSys has developed a low-cost Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) solution for both residential and commercial utility markets. H-Net, our product, is imbedded within an electrical utility meter. The H-Net Network has been designed exclusively for the Electrical Utility Industry.

                The H-Net core is a unique proprietary architecture that allows for two-way communications between a meter and the Network Operation Center (NOC). The wireless network architecture employs peer-to-peer communications for up to 20,000 meters per dedicated BaseStation. The NOC displays real-time consumption data, 4 times an hour, 24 hours a day, via the internet at a fraction of traditional meter reading costs; all this within a wireless, tower-less network
                Boxing 0-1


                • #9
                  Thanks SNOMAN, that's a better explanation than I would give.....


                  • #10
                    So instead of electric company having to have men go and read meters they would have it done automatically at their local place?

                    What is the cost for these units that links up too 20,000 boxes?


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        I only use a broker, so I do not know alot about online accounts. Do all the online accounts like ameritrade amd etrade allow you trade stocks like this one. If not, who does?



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BIGTEX
                          I only use a broker, so I do not know alot about online accounts. Do all the online accounts like ameritrade amd etrade allow you trade stocks like this one. If not, who does?


                          I use scottrade buddy. If you want more info on them, get my email from one of the MODS and email me......


                          it's by far the best, and only $7.00 a trade every trade!


                          • #14
                            So they have a little over 100k in cash to keep them afloat? That was quite a doom and gloom bit of information BC. So why so high on this RJ, other then no one else trying to do what they are doing? 11+ years is a long time to get this off the ground, especially with out of pocket cash paying the way. And I didn't read anywhere if there is interest in this product, if it's cost effevtive, or if they have any sales plans. Feedback?


                            • #15
                              Well, it's up another 35% again so far today!!!

                              I'm telling you guys, this thing will go to $.50 a share...

