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  • RJeremy...

    Hey bro whats going on... I was looking into getting into some stocks and I was wondering what your opinion would be on which one to start off with... Thanks in advance and I look foward to your reply...

  • #2

    Here's a couple that I have recently bought, hopefully a couple other guys will give you some advice as well.

    I'll give you some safe one's as well as some that can really make you a lot of money, but are also very risky.

    YHOO (Yahoo) 36.23
    BRCM (Broadcom) 38.05
    SHLD (Sear's Holding Corp.) 155.00 - High Price, but Great Stock
    MGM (MGM Mirage) 42.66
    ATML (Atmel) 2.68

    Cheaper one's that are going to take off:

    CNES (Conectisys) 0.0006 (supposed to go to .50)
    CHID (China Digital Comm. Group) 1.35 (Monte - should go to 4.50)
    WIZD (Wiz_zard Software Corp.) 2.26 (should go to 5.00)

    I also have holdings in a bunch more, here's a couple......

    WMT (Walmart)
    MSFT (Microsoft)
    GKIS (Gold Kist)
    CSCO (Cisco)
    NOK (Nokia)

    Get my e-mail from Admin. if you want to chat more about any of these. My portfolio has been kicking ass lately.
    Last edited by RJeremy; 07-13-2005, 09:38 AM.


    • #3
      Sounds good... I just read where both parties have to email Monte in order to exchange emails.. I have no idea what Monte's email addy is lol...


      • #4
        Originally posted by TMAC951
        Sounds good... I just read where both parties have to email Monte in order to exchange emails.. I have no idea what Monte's email addy is lol...

        his e-mail is [email protected]

        Tell him I said it's ok....

