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Rj ????

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  • Rj ????

    I'm like totally Parinoid , after the London bombings ....
    I moved my 90k End of the World Reserve out of STOCKS and Back to Muni -Bonds ....that's my bail out fund...would you agree that ,that was prolly a reasonable move /

    Can't afford to take a Post 9/11 type hit on the back up Fund !

    In the Long Term I may plow that back into real estate .... still holding our heads above water here in caly ....esp. Coastal !!

  • #2
    No, Tom I totally disagree. Did you see what the market did from Thursday afternoon till the close of Friday? Up over 340 points!!!

    Don't get scared, as long as you're diversified in your stocks you'll be fine....


    • #3
      Originally posted by RJeremy
      No, Tom I totally disagree. Did you see what the market did from Thursday afternoon till the close of Friday? Up over 340 points!!!

      Don't get scared, as long as you're diversified in your stocks you'll be fine....
      Damn sound like my BROKER !!

      Michael like I tell my "Advisor " that is the LAST Money in the World ....I can not take a 20% Hit on it !! Let's talk, ask Monte for my email addy or Mikie ....threw out your no. from Vegas.... your girl did sound SWEET on the Phone ,.... you think she's into OLDER Guys ???


      • #4
        GOLD fellas GOLD


        • #5
          Hell Md pass it around .....


          • #6
            Correct me IF I'm WRONG .....RagHeads WILL attack ....Market WILL Drop.... what am I MISSING HERE ??

            RagHeads attack -1200

            Market Drops -1500

            Last edited by Ldawg; 07-10-2005, 05:07 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tom Foolery
              Hell Md pass it around .....
              Really Tom,I moved 80% 0f my portfolio in to gold after London crap.


              • #8
                Originally posted by moondog22
                Really Tom,I moved 80% 0f my portfolio in to gold after London crap.

                I hear ya brother .... I have ZERO in gold ....about 650k Real Estate....and the REST in acct's payable .....brahahahaha !!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tom Foolery
                  I hear ya brother .... I have ZERO in gold ....about 650k Real Estate....and the REST in acct's payable .....brahahahaha !!
                  Maybe put some in Gold,just in case crap happens


                  • #10

                    I agree with moondog, gold is doing well right now. Don't move everything into it, but maybe a small portion.

                    Now, if this is absolute live or die money, then yes, get it the hell out of stocks. Put it into a CD or Bonds. Something very safe that will only yield a small return.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RJeremy

                      I agree with moondog, gold is doing well right now. Don't move everything into it, but maybe a small portion.

                      Now, if this is absolute live or die money, then yes, get it the hell out of stocks. Put it into a CD or Bonds. Something very safe that will only yield a small return.
                      Yep - That's the Live or Die Fund ....The , When the Shit Hits the Fan Fund .... The Reserve !!

                      Still have an IRA that's in the Market ,but it is VERY Diversified!

                      GOLD sounds like something I should look into ... thanks for the input guys . It just KILLS me that my 'Financial Advisor ' NEVER Advises me to do ANYTHING !! They seem to be content to just keep collecting their 1 1/2 % and watch your Funds dwiddle.... A**holes !!

