ps I understand what you mean about managing other folks' money as opposed to your own.
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Trade Thread March-May
Savage & Wallstreet,
Wanted to ask you a question on a stock. The ticker is CNES. I've been researching it for about a week now, and wanted your opinions. There's a lot of big names on their Advisory Board and the company seems like it's ready to take off.
Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by RJeremySavage & Wallstreet,
Wanted to ask you a question on a stock. The ticker is CNES. I've been researching it for about a week now, and wanted your opinions. There's a lot of big names on their Advisory Board and the company seems like it's ready to take off.
Thanks in advance.
That being said, I think at .001 the downside is pretty low assuming the company stays in business, and you might get lucky if it has bottomed out.
However, I must tell you that in my many years of investing if you buy too many stocks of this nature(like I have), you will lose.
I am deluged with newsletters all the time telling me about how a stock priced usually under $1 will be the next $50 stock with all kind of reasons why.
Unfortunately I have fallen for too much of this hype and have lost many thousands over the years.
On the other hand, if you have done your own due dilligence and you want to take a shot with it(obviously don't bet the ranch on it), I would say invest whatever you feel comfortable losing if the stock goes south.
Now I defer to Wallstreet for his take on this particular stock.
Hope that helps.
Thanks Savage for your input. I did quite a bit of research on this stock and even had an old P.I. friend look into "why" some of the people invested in this stock are invested in it.
Hopefully Walstreet can give me a more in depth outlook on the actual company and what they do. It's actually at .0012 right now.
I have still been around, just not posting or logging in much. I am doing just fine in the market, holding WLSF still..cant say it looks great, but I am still with it.
RJ, I will try and look up that company, but Savage has it right about how I feel concerning stocks that low..I cant recommend any of them. I will try to go into detail about why it is a questionable purchase in a bit.
I just dont feel great about this place as much can always email me and you know I am always there to help you and others who might need my input. (Not saying I am some pro, but I have some opinions..haha)
I hope you are hanging in there and doing well betting too..
WS-I am glad you are ok and doing good in the market;I can't say the same of late, but this is the market, and fluctuations are part of the game;obviously I would like a big move in wlsf;that would sure hope.
Otherwise life goes on and can't complain being retired and thus free for the past few years, in good health and not having to worry about where my next meal is coming from;stay in touch, and I may email you one of these days-I believe I have your private email address.
Look past the stock price and look at the market cap for both of these companies.
ATML might be a 2 buck stock, but the market cap is over 1 BILLION dollars.
DESC is at 2.87 and a 102M market cap.
Why this matters is we gotta look at value when chosing stocks and in my view ATML is no value, in fact they have so many shares out there it takes an army to move it..
Pull up a chart on DESC, do a 5 yr chart..what do you think after seeing that? To me the last 2 yrs has been trading range bound, so based on that I would want to accumulate in the low 2's and sell in the mid 3' has done that 2 times in two yrs..not too fancy but making 50% in 2 yrs beats nearly all mutual funds.
ATML's chart looks like is an also-ran in the semi group, much like VTSS. I think you could take a stab at these levels and hope for a run in the group, and the stock...but I would choose VTSS over ATML because I know it better...but its a coin flip.
If you buy either of these and dont try to pick an entry, use a 10%-15% stop and dont let it kill you.
I like these two names much more than that .00000001 stock you asked about.
Man..what a tank job on WLSF today.
I didnt tell you this, but I did a bit of research on the stock and I cant say I was impressed..I read where they are only using the internet and website for advertising their product. Man that just doesnt cut it..and they are only striving to be grouped with the cheap pack segment of the business..that isnt good either.
Todays news is nasty and shows the difference between a well capitalized and listed company going at this versus what WLSF is doing. Once they went at it themselves vs being a provider of the filters for others, it was a bad sign..
I am still in it..cant have a sell stop on this stock, but after the fail of 70 cents I should have cut her loose.
Wallstreet- read the news on it today very carefully and tell me what you think.
I wasn't home when the news was out, but if it goes back into .40's I will add.
sure everything has been pushed back, but to me it indicates more than anything else that those who wanted to get rich quick are bailing out.
If my offshore offered a bet that this thing would close at least $1.00 even money between now and the end of the year(hopefully higher), I would make a huge wager on yes.
I believe fundamentals are there and that there are positive things going on behind the scenes, some of which were hinted at if you read the news release carefully. jmho
Obviously this could be another cln but I don't think so, and I think if reallly crappy stocks can go from a few cents to $1, than this one has at least the potential to not only exceed that but to go to $2, 3, 4, who knows how high, in time of course.Last edited by savage1; 05-12-2005, 05:18 PM.
This is what I was referring to: posted by someone at Raging Bull:
Jump to msg. #
I think people should focus on this paragraph:
"The first option is to ally the Wellstone cigarette with an existing major cigarette manufacturer, who will manufacture the Wellstone cigarette and take the Wellstone cigarette into its line of brands to be sold and distributed by its existing sales force. This approach has the advantage of quick and extensive market saturation with an existing sales force that will put the Wellstone brand into tens of thousands of retail outlets. The primary disadvantage to this track is the sharing of profits with a major ally.
Wellstone has engaged in significant discussions with existing manufacturers in this class. No agreements have been reached to date."
This could be huge for us! Our PPS would skyrocket from a deal with MO. Much faster than if they do the roll-out on their own.
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That to say the least is a very optimistic schedule for the stock.
I just dont see it..I imagine they have tried very hard to ally or partner with MO and most other manufacturers with the filter on its own and failed to either impress or scare one of the larger companies into working with them, so to think that now they will get an alliance or partner seems like more of a long shot than before.
I have to wonder if they really do have somthing cooking though because why the hell would they only market their great (so they think) product only via the internet?
To me this approach has been the reason the stock has swooned since it hit a buck.
Your CLN at least is in the 30 cent area vs the low to mid 20's.