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Trade Thread March-May

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  • #76
    WS-Here it is-hot off the presses from The Natural Contrarian Profit-Stock Profiles:
    FLWE-The headline is The Next $1 billion Oil and Has Stock with a $50 target price and with an easy double within the next 12 weeks.
    I will say this-the industry itself may be a good place to be.
    I might dabble and buy a few thousand shares after I read the newsletter and doing a little dd.It is trading around $1.06 I believe.
    Your opinion is needed as usual.


    • #77
      WS-I am not selling wlsf bu tam disappointed that most of the big gain has dussipated so quickly;If I had sold some at the higher levels(I didn't),I probably would buy here.


      • #78

        I think I will pass on the HOT plate

        WLSF it isnt shocking but it is dissapointing. I picked over a buck fine but I sure didnt see it happen..haha

        I will wait it out..

        Thanks for the kind words earlier..


        • #79
          WS-bought 2000 shares of flwe at 1.06;now if flwe "flew" to $50 as the promoters say, I would be quite elated.
          Actually, $2 would be great!
          Last edited by savage1; 03-29-2005, 04:45 PM.


          • #80

            You are crazy!!



            • #81
              WS-Did you the bad news on wlsf? They are expecting almost a 16 million dollar loss this year.
              That should do "wonders" for the stock price tomorrow;some folks are saying it is a startup cost, but it sure looks(as usual) that there was a reason for the big decline after price jumped to $1,
              I should have heede your warning;it will probably take at least weeks to recover what it will lose in the next or two;I hope I am wrong but am very pessimistic.


              • #82

                I didnt see it..but makes sense someone knew..the stock was acting like dog sh!t..really badly.

                I did a suicide trade after hours...I bot 5k of ELN at 3.25 and sold at 3.46..made 1k and that is a nice thing. Also traded BOOM and ANTP today..been killing it this week.

                Wish I could say that about sports I cant win to save my life!!!

                Lets see how WLSF does..I guess at this point I am in it for a longer term..we should have booked those profits..


                • #83
                  I am glad you are doing well anyways;I can't say the same for me, and am fearful that at least for time being wlsf will go back into 60's and maybe(gulp) into 50's.
                  Its none of my business, but 1) do you cap games on your own or use someone else? and 2)I have feeling that you are a relatively small bettor(like me) in any event-so you can't get really hurt that bad.


                  • #84

                    If it drops like that..well maybe I will bail.

                    And to answer your q..I dont have anything to hide really.. I cap my own a small ammt..not good hard capping though, and I try to find people who I feel confident with and try to tail them.

                    And yeah, I play small..the max I have ever played is 500..usually in the 50 or less range..somtimes lower.

                    Still I hate losing everytime I reup..good thing I am making tons investing because my wife wouldnt put up with it..



                    • #85

                      You hanging on CLN? Man she is swirling the toilet..

                      The action and chart are telling me they are gonna do a big reverse split or worse.

                      Looks just brutal.

                      How are other things going?


                      • #86
                        WS-You are not kidding re:cln;somehow it bounded of the low of .20 and got to.27;I almost bought some more shares at.23 but couldn't pull the trigger;it will probably go lower;I can't pull the trigger to sell either;dont ask me why.
                        Otherwise I have been struggling a bit with wlsf and some other stocks which have gradually fallen;I am banking on wlsf(maybe too much) to turn things around.
                        How about you?


                        • #87

                          Maybe a RS isnt bad for CLN. I just dont think it will be good..the company will keep floating stock to finance their losses and I dont know the stats but RS's are rarely a good thing.

                          I am doing wild account is up about 50% this year, just banging 500 or 1000 a trade..I am in a doozie though..bad trade.. NYER..lets see how much pain I get on this one..haha

                          WLSF looks like it needs some news...btw I never commented earlier, but you gotta expect some costs associated with production..I wasnt shocked when you told me that last week.

                          Hang in there!


                          • #88
                            WS-Cln closed at .30 and some folks are getting excited on chatboards;a lot of these folks were the same ones who got excited when it went to .70.
                            I still think it might go below .20.
                            ps You are doing just "ok"-up 50%? I hate to see how you define the word "great."
                            Boy- with that kind of return rate I ought to give you a couple of hundred thousand to manage for me. lol


                            • #89

                              I am impressed with the bounce in CLN..lets keep it going and make you some $$$$$

                              I dont think I could manage peoples money..I am a maniac and I couldnt keep the same focus if it were not my money. I would sell earlier than I do..take less risk and do less trades.

                              I take big hits from time to time as well, and most people couldnt handle such action.


                              • #90
                                WS-Actually, you should say "lets keep it going and make you back some of the money you have lost on this POS."

