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Trade Thread March-May

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  • #31
    WS-I thought about it and am not going to bite;the newsletter was touting it at $2.00;therefore I am going to wait if I buy it at all;I have a way of paying too much.
    I do think natural gas stocks like this one could do well;of course, the secret is having the right one.


    • #32
      WS-Check this one out-hot off the presses-HSEG.


      • #33
        I didnt get a that a bad ticker?


        • #34
          Whoops-should be hesg.


          • #35
            WS-Here you go. Today alone I received four separate publications touting SOY or close to it(Stock of the Year-why not use that term when we have so many GOY'S).
            Anyways, I didn't even read them yet and frankly too many of these makes me want to not buy any at all;its almost like someone told these guys that I do buy these stokcs from time to time(I did buy 2000 shares of hesg yesterday) and now they want to take their own shot at me.
            Anyways, here you go:


            • #36

              WLSF is looking like crap volume and no buying.

              All those stocks make me laugh..when you gonna block those lame publcations???



              • #37
                WS-I think mm's are playing with wlsf today as there is all kind of anticipation about news from the presentationin Russia(or whatever they call that country now);actually I just bought 2000 more shares at .71;thats it;from now on I either sell or hold on-no more shares for me!
                Don't worry re: those other four stocks;I am not touching them;I have already attained my quota of these.
                ps I had a 15 minute chat with the sales manager of prnw and was impressed with the way he talked and about the product itself(network security)
                Say what you want, but from what I know and have learned about the company and the people with a great track record running, it it is not a company to blow off;keep an eye on it at leats.
                I have 4000 shares and thats probably it fot the time being.
                Last edited by savage1; 03-15-2005, 01:55 PM.


                • #38

                  I hope it pans out for you, but why invest in a telecom stock listed on the OTCBB? I dont get it. Why not invest in somthing that files financials, has real earnings and balance sheet/income statment and holds itself to a higher standard? Just because you have money in strong blue chips doesnt mean you cannot profit from them on the side account.. I would take SIRI or ASTM or a ton of others you have played over this stock.

                  I just want more for you and playing these PK/BB stocks is like sports betting, the vig is always against you..and with these stocks the lack of financial clarity, sneaky MM's and suspect managment of most make you a loser before you invest in them.

                  Spend the time looking at some mid/small/micro caps that arent in your strong portfolio vs reading those penny rags..

                  Sorry to keep on you about this but I just dont get the whole thing..I know you invest alot of time keeping up with them and you should be doing somthing better with those discretionary funds..


                  • #39
                    WS-You make some great points, but just remember astm was considered garbage and unproven until recently(check the price last May, and I would bet that when I sold all my shares last May of this stock(you of course know I had it), you would have said it was a good move.
                    Also, don't forget a few years ago when I owned siri and made good money on it, you yourself thought it was an awful stock (when it was real cheap) and posted this opinion though on the the regular BC chatboard.
                    I do believe that as you say, I do speculate too much, but the two examples cited above show that hindsight is easy, and that if one does some research , talks to people affiliiated with the company and has a timeframe of several years, then some of these stocks may be big winners;as we saw with wlsf (until recently anyways), 1 or 2 big winners can easily wipe out a lot of the smaller losers(cln notwithstanding).


                    • #40

                      For the record..

                      I think ASTM and SIRI are still garbage. The market is proving me right on SIRI with the 50% plus haircut it had since those awful highs of 9 bucks..and ASTM is also down heavy from its highs..but we cant fight the from time to time I will trade stocks for the trade..but I think both are not good long term investments.


                      • #41
                        WS-I hear you, but I believe you were knocking siri when it was at around $1 or even lower;don't have your exact post or remember at what price you bashed it to be honest;as we all know it soared after that and has since come back to earth.
                        Obviously no one has a crystal ball, and for sure the companies with established earnings are a better and safer buys than even the wlsf's;no one can argue with that.
                        I guess when you receive as many rose colored stocks from all the glossy looking newsletters I receive, it is difficult sometimes to shut out all of them, and I admit I am a bit weak in this area.


                        • #42

                          I dont think I knocked it back then, in fact I did my taxes from last year and I owned it at 2.75 or so..which would make me think I thought it had value at that level. I think I started hating it when it crossed that SHORT point, which is 5 bucks..I cant short under 5..but I think it is worth 3, and ASTM worth 2 or less..but that doesnt mean it goes there of course..

                          Plus, developments occured which changed the face of the business for SIRI..Karmazin joined and Stern, and the NHL, the NFL etc..these are changes which effect a valuation of a business. Now if ASTM or CLN or PRNW came out and evolved their business in a similar way, then I might change my view. My points of view are always at that very moment..makes sense??


                          • #43
                            You might be right;however, I am pretty sure that when stock was between $1 and $1.50, I mentioned it and you bashed it. lol. No biggie.
                            If memory serves me, I think I also mentioned I had a nice profit on lu, and you said in so many words that the stock sucked at the beginning of 1/04.;I am too busy to check the "minutes" of what was said, and the stuff has probably been deleted by now anyways;I realize you have changed your opinion since then(I think you said you own some lu or is nt)?
                            Overall, I think you are more right than I am, as I tend to get carried away with some of these "cheapies," knowing that I won't starve even if the stocks go down big time.
                            That I agree is not a good attitude.


                            • #44

                              I made my worst trade of the year on LU...I went on the recco of a few people and sites and went against my better judgment..horrible trade..

                              I make tons of mistakes, I just try to make them smaller than the winners..

                              And I feel strongly you are playing against the house when you invest in BB/Pk stocks..

                              Enough of that though..


                              • #45
                                Wallstreet-you are correct, and I am going to have to cut back on some of these stocks no matter how promising The Homerun Stock Alert and other publications make some of these companies out to be.
                                ps Did you notice I broke through the 5000 posts milestone?(it was in my last post with you rather than on the sports thread, which is probably more appropriate.)
                                Last edited by savage1; 03-15-2005, 09:33 PM.

