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Trade Thread March-May

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  • #16

    I am real sorry to hear about CLN. I saw it go across the ticker this morning, I hadnt seen it for a few days.

    I am also worried about WLSF, it just isnt trading well at all. I will hold for my stop point and then I have to bail.

    I have to think the market is saying that the RS is gonna happen for CLN..


    • #17
      Sold 2k ABLE at 13.60

      Nice 3k trade..easy money.

      Makes up for losing 1500 on ALTI (which went lower today) and makes me nicely up for the week.

      I personally think ABLE goes to 20 and I will play it again.


      • #18
        WS-great move;send some of your good luck over here.
        Re: Wlsf-some of folks on wlsf chatboards say,(and I think they are correct) if past history is any indication;when selling dries up with this stock and things are boring, stock reverses and moves in a strong uptrend.
        With cln-it is like it is trying to ski uphill with 100 miles an hour winds blowing against you.


        • #19
          Winn Dixie

          Suggest A Look At Winn Dixie, Est 1925, 900 Stores, Vendors Still Being Paid, And Making Deliveries, Employees Assured This Is Simply A Way To Re Org, Eliminate Debt, Close Unprofitable Stores, Pension Plan Is Safe, Etc, Remember Rite Aid, Lucent Tech, Chance To Buy, Hold And Cash In Next Yr To 18 Mos. It Will Survive Chapter 11.............simply A Business Tool To Improve Bottom Line, First Sign, Stock Goes Up................winner, Low Enough To Be Worth The Gamble.............also Excellent Merger Basis


          • #20

            Not a fan of that chain, but you are right. Read the filings very carefully and see how they emerge..if they do a reverse split and come out clean, you might have somthing. I wont buy it, but if researched it might be worth a look.

            Savage..I got lucky on it and that is true..wanna know the worst part? as we both know that ABLE was 3 bucks lower yesterday.. All I am doing is following the hedge funds and hyper energy stocks..a few more are-

            CHNR (YIKES)

            Look at them..small or basic materials..easy for big boys to come in and "splash the pot" and make a killing.

            edit) I missed a rebuy on ABLE by 1 cent..damn it. I had 12.85, it hit a buck higher..shit..


            • #21
              WS-How much did that $.01 cost you if I am not being too nosy?


              • #22
                It ran over a buck, so 1k..


                Back in again, stock got crushed the last hour.

                In around 12.25 this time.


                • #23
                  WS-I think I told you about this one-prnw;it comes from a very good source who feels this is a $4-6 stock in the next couple of years;he is from the OTC ******, which originally promoted wlsf.
                  I do have private conversations with him, and even though he has a vested interest in seeing the stock go up, he tells me management is solid.
                  Check it out and tell me what you think.
                  I am currently hold 3k shares and am about even on it.


                  • #24

                    I sold at 12.55, pretty much broke even, made a tiny ammt.

                    PRNW getting kicked today..not good. I do like WLSF being up a

                    I dont like network stocks..they have been in the tank for the last year or so, plus like I mentioned before (I think) there are 100 network stocks out there..who own this one???

                    Holy hell ALTI ran hard today..I sold at 4.05, it went to 3.86 today and now up to 4.40. I tell you this stock can run and does..I am not mad I sold because I moved on to ABLE..made it back and much more.

                    I dont know if I can since the stock is a low floater, but I want to short GOAM..huge run over the last few days..time for some shortin..I bet I cant short though..

                    You been watching ELN? Almost a 50% retrace off the lows of 5 ish..


                    • #25
                      WS-TMy sourcey tells me re: prnw that the reason for downdraft is that people who got in at $1 are taking profits and of course daytraders;I had a little profit before;now I am behind. He believes this is not a trading stock but more of an investment for a couple of years
                      I am NOT going to buy any more;lets see what happens.
                      ps I am glad you are doing well;hopefully wlsf will go on a run soon(maybe starting today).


                      • #26

                        I think that excuse is awful.. profit taking means he has no idea what the real reason is. I looked at a 6 month chart and the stock was at 1.50, but not at a buck. Sorry to get on you about that, but it is just a bad excuse given to you from the source..

                        I think the networkers are a place to buy, but not an OTCBB stock..pick one of 50 listed and go with one of them.. NT,LU,MRVC,JNPR,FFIV I can go on and on..

                        We gotta get you out of the back stage and into the regular area for buying..


                        • #27
                          I hear ya! I am going to call the company today and speak to someone in IR;I want to find out a little more about these guys.


                          • #28

                            An IR isnt gonna respond about trading, especially for a stock like that.

                            Very strange action on WLSF today..early up and now some good selling, looks like bids are being pulled as the volume doesnt really show much thus far, almost a 10% move on less than 200k volume (.79 to .73)


                            • #29
                              WS-I am going to ask him general questions about products, sales, etc. and not the stock price.
                              Here's one fresh from Homerun Stock Aler-MVOG-natural gas stock;hit a new high and owned partially by Jerry Jones(owner of Cowboys) with partners with Devon and Conoco.
                              I like the writeup and may buy 1000 shares anyways.
                              Tell me what you think.
                              ps Some think mm's are manipulating wlsf(like that is something new).


                              • #30

                                Buying this MVOG is strange..up 60% since this year and my personal opinion is oil will drop over the next week or so, and this stock should drop too.

                                What the hell is a 22 for 1 stock split?????

                                Looks like they have a few assets..not horrible..they have no revenue. This is another exploration stock, so you are wagering that they hit a well and make some $$$$

                                I dont like it. I would rather not speculate in oil with a BB stock, and especially one near a they are a freaking PR machine, that is bothersome too..haha

                                Let me know what you do, I am gonna pass the salt on this one.

