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Trade Thread March-May

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  • Trade Thread March-May


    I will post some trades so you can laugh at me..haha

    Bot 5k ALTI (looks like a bad trade to me)

    Average buy is about 4.25 (started at 4.37, averaged down)

    Not sure where my X point is, maybe 4.05 or somthing..definately before 4.

  • #2
    WS-Perhaps you should laugh at ME. I bought some mrkl late week in low fifties(cents obviously), as I thought it represented good value.
    Now it is in low 40's and like a fool I bought more; it like betting on a team in a losing streak(not smart), although unlike a game the stock doesn't end in a couple of hours and you may still win in the long term.
    I know-lets have a contest to see who is worse at this(no contest-I will win this dubious honor in a breeze with all the garbage I buy).
    Last edited by savage1; 03-03-2005, 04:28 PM.


    • #3

      I think you are a good investor if you stuck to your own views and picks versus those publications you come across.

      That aside what makes or breaks an investor is money managment..cutting a loss can make or break an account. Often times you can look back and think the choice was a bad one, and that may be true..but the principal will save you from that one or two mistakes that can cripple an account.

      I am so tempted to bite on SONS tonite..stock getting crushed and there has to be a 10 or 20 cent rally in this stock at this this is so tempting..

      WLSF ended decently...a real lack of volume though..


      • #4
        WS-your words of wisdom are so true; I am my worst enemy some times as I am sucked into buying this stocks promising 1000%+ gains in addition to fact that instead of letting go of a stock when it goes down, I buy more;I have to be more disclipined.
        Go luck on sons if you buy it.
        ps wlsf did do better at close;I still think its fate is hands of the big Mo.


        • #5
          WS- I bought some prnw several days ago at 2.04 and it is up to $2.38(I didn't buy that much);I may buy more on dips.
          You should know that same stock site which originally recommended wlsf is the one which gave me this one;he thinks potential is there for $6.
          Check it out and let me know what you think.
          ps On the other hand wlsf is not doing well.
          Cln also went down some more yesterday, as it was announced that 15-1 RS may be coming;it has recovered a little bit from lows today.
          Last edited by savage1; 03-04-2005, 12:06 PM.


          • #6

            WLSF looks like crap today.. 70 and I bail.

            A r/s for CLN would be horrible for you..but I bet it happens. If I were you and the stock bounced after, I would dump it know they will float a TON of shares after the split...I bet they are hurting for cash..

            sorry to give a glum outlook, but I have to be honest.


            • #7
              WS-who can argue about what you say about cln, which as far as I am concerned has obtained dogshit status?;as I said at Raging Bull where some folks are trying to be optimistic, the fact is that stock has dropped from slightly over $2 to now $.40;the fact/bottom line is that someone over there including IR doesn't know what the f-ck they are doing!


              • #8
                PS-I had another HUGE argument with Quick and Reilly(well Bank America to be precise), who said I was day trading again and that I would be in 90 day restriction.
                I threatened to close my account because no one ever told me until today that I was in violation of late.
                Anyways, story had happy ending, as now I agreed to have money pulled from my ACH right away (rather than 3 days) when I buy something;that way there is no problem.
                ps The guy who explained it today really understood it, and the rules HAVE changed and become nore stringent as I said before.(it may not apply to you), but from what the guy said, the point of rules is they want as many stocks traded in margin as possible.
                Last edited by savage1; 03-04-2005, 04:04 PM.


                • #9

                  That part about Q&R makes sense..I thought you were "X"ing the ACH anyway? And if your acct is over a certain ammt alot of the rules dont apply. I thought it was 30k..maybe more. But clearing for non margin stocks is always the same.. 3 days. So a sell still has to settle, thus you can buy but cannot SELL again before the original settlement of the first if you sell 10000000 IDCO, buy 100000 of CLN, then sell the 100000 CLN, you cant buy before the original sale of IDCO clears..that would be daytrading.

                  I would nix the ACH, setup a MM account and stop all the what kind of a mess your bank account is having with all these transactions!

                  And about CLN..yep..a retest of the lows and more lows definately puts it in dogshit category. I hope you get a good bounce off this R/S and you act on it. If that happens I will be bugging you about it. I know you have high hopes for them as a drug company vs being an equipment company, but the trader in me would say to cut it loose and let the market work it lower..a 15 for 1 RS is bad news, the market would make it pay before moving higher..

                  As always.. JMHO

                  Did you see KKD and ABLE today?? Holy crap..I was so close to buying KKD at 5.50..



                  • #10
                    WS-I am pretty much getting rid of the ach from now on-every time, I buy online, I call to have the money ,pved over right away and/or I simply have more money in the account over there at all times.
                    Re: cln-don't worry-IF we get a bounce, a good chunk of it will be sold.;this company has fucked up som many times, it is pitiful;that Cheung idiot CEO has to go.
                    I will check kkd and able after this.
                    ps Re kkd and able, wow! Now if only wlsf would just have a move like those or even 1/4 of that in one day, I/you would be happy.
                    Last edited by savage1; 03-04-2005, 07:20 PM.


                    • #11
                      WS-Agfl,which I mentioned previously, has had a nice move(I didn't buy it).
                      Here is one I just got in mail today and called the Stock of the Year(we have hyped GOY'S in betting-so why not the same with stocks of this nature)and its from a Publication called Energy Profits-AZGS.I probably won't buy any but look it over anyways.


                      • #12

                        Tell me more about this stock..all I see is no revenues, 4k in cash and a very young company. And I see a 6 for 1 stock split..yikes!!

                        I also read some odd stuff about cancellation of shares from a prior executive etc.

                        Let me know what you do with AGLF if anything.

                        AZGS- I see no cash on hand..5k as of Nov 04, looks like a startup recently because I think my little LLC has more assets than this company..haha

                        This looks like a 2 man real expenses, no revenues, no assets..

                        I think this is going up due to speculation in general about energy and gas stocks..not that the company has any real future or prospects. This is such an "infant" company that we dont even know how much they can produce or the cost to produce.. I guess if oil keeps going higher, these baby stocks can too but to me the risk is just too high. The stock went to a buck in Jan when oil went down. If you want in I would wait for a drop in oil and a haircut on the stock.
                        Last edited by wallstreet; 03-05-2005, 04:44 PM.


                        • #13
                          WS-Thanks as always for your take.
                          I have no plans to buy agfl or azgs unless perhaps you see something;it has already had a run, and I simply don't trust the mm's.
                          ps you listed it as aglf;check out that price of that one if you want a good laugh.
                          Last edited by savage1; 03-05-2005, 07:14 PM.


                          • #14

                            I mistyped a real winner didnt I?


                            BOT 2000 ABLE at 12 bucks..crap it makes me mad, watched it all day in the 9 range. I think there are hedge funds snapping this stock, I would like to see 13 or more for a good sale.

                            Also selling ALTI at 4.05, looks like dog crap, will be a 1.5k loss..


                            • #15
                              WS-Just take a look at wlsf(I still think in time stock will do fine) and especially cln;just about everyone on Raging Bull and Ya hoo is bitching and rightfully how this stinking managment took the shareholders down slaughterhouse road;I hope the RS is voted down.
                              I am tempted to sell a least 1/3(maybe more)of this pos if it goes any lower;I am worried if I do, out of nowwhere there will be some good news and stock will go back to high .40's;boy were you right on this one.
                              Good luck on your latest purchase;it takes balls to lay our 24k.
                              Last edited by savage1; 03-07-2005, 07:26 PM.

