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Wallstreet,Savage and others

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  • Wallstreet,Savage and others

    Can you please tell me what you think of IDCO at this time.It's trading at 2.43 at this time. Can't find that much on this company but from what I could it seems like it has good possibles. Your opinions are greatly apreciated.

  • #2
    Paulsam- Did you see in wlsf thread I made $800 in a week buying at 2.35 and selling at 2.76(2000 shares)?
    At 2.26(as i write this) it might be a good time to trade it again but I am going to wait to see some strength.
    I like this company and especially what they do(identity theft) but don't know much about their financials other than the overly optimistic stuff I got in the mail.
    ps Many people received mailers and I sure hope it is not a pump and dump;that is why I took the quick profit for now.
    Last edited by savage1; 02-17-2005, 09:42 AM.

