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Wallstreet What is your thoughts

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  • Wallstreet What is your thoughts

    I asked you the other day and I want to know what you take is on this. Worth a shot or rip off.
    real estate

    Just click on real estate. I know this is probably in the wrong thread but want to make sure you see this.

  • #2

    Sorry it has been so long in replying!

    I dont recall you mentioning this, but I always have an answer right?? lol

    If you want this system, buy it used on ebay. I expect it will be full of fluff and filled with reference to higher priced programs and boot camps..

    I would visit - a free chat place for creative real estate with tons of articles, a main board where people who are in creative real estate talk about everything with no soft sell...just q&a stuff.

    Find out what angle you like, research it, understand it. Then if you want a specialized course, look for it very specifically.

    Ask me questions, I can and will help!!


    • #3
      Thanks wallstreet I will look into it a little more. I kinda was thinking about the one where you just pay the taxes or something and the house is yours.

