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  • Osgl?

    anyone know anything about this as I keep getting spammed on all of my e-mail accounts about it.

  • #2

    I would delete that message and block the sender..

    Stock picks via email are of no value. You might hit one out of 10, but when the pump is over the stock goes in the toilet. Did you watch that IPYS? It ran hard, and dumped just as hard.

    Oh the stock is a gold stock..can you say RUN?? Gold is on the ropes and cant go anywhere but down. My post last week or so sumarizes why.. interest rates going higher, the dollar going higher, gold going LOWER..


    • #3
      Was just curious since i'm getting it in every e-mail of mine. Probably a violation of SEC rules since someone is trying to pump it up by spamming people.


      • #4

        Problem is that there is always a disclaimer in those ads..wether it be on their website or in fine print.

        Another problem is these are bulletin board or pink sheet stocks. Regulations are less and rarely inforced.

        Its a jungle in the BB and PK arena.

        You do some trading? I have seen you ask a Q or two.. I imagine with all your wealth that you have the I expect you to be more involved here. I need some traders to bounce things off and help me make some $$$$$$

        Loading up these next few weeks..when the FED raises, we are off to the races..


        • #5
          I use to trade on a regular basis, but haven't did so for years.


          • #6
            I can tell..

            It never leaves your blood..

            Join in, I am having a great year, all positions are green or in the ballpark. I really think come June and a smart Fed that some big dough is to be made..that includes cheapies like:

            CHTR (refi debt soon, will ease the balance sheet)

            That is just a few..


            • #7

              Glad you didnt bite..the sucker is down almost 50% since friday.

              Also, last may they did a 50 for 1 split?????

              What the hell is that? Intentional move to keep the stock below a buck..

              Market looking ok...not great, just ok..


              • #8
                I remember when CHTR came out, because a lot of people liked it including myself. Paul Allen I believe is the one behind it.

                NT was really high at one time too

                I still think SUNW could be a good long term stock to own.

                Did SIRI split at some point?

                I used to use a site that had a program that you could download for free that had all kinds of screening capablities. However I can't remember the name of it.


                • #9

                  I dont use a stock screener either, but Ameritrade has one that is on their site..

                  You are right on about every stock you mentioned.. I remember when SUNW was the rage and was lunar in the stock price. I didnt follow NT that much until recently and CHTR is lumped in with others like them..meaning LU that is heavily burdened with debt that it is literally chewing up cash flow.

                  The market is taking no prisoners..and out of the ones you mentioned I like SUN the least..their biz model is 4 yrs ago..they have cash and they trade a ton and are good for swing trades, but at some point they have to rebuild themselves or they will be acquired or go under. Strange to seem but they banked on java for their business and it just isnt the future for the web. Too many competing products make SUNW look over priced at 5 bucks.

                  SIRI is another one I wouldnt hold for a long term trade..they are priced at 2006 numbers..I bot some at 2.90 for a swing trade..looking for 3.50 or so and I am out. I think they make it, but priced as they are, who cares? This stock is maybe at max in 5 yrs a 10 buck stock..they are also swimming in debt.

                  The way I trade I dont care 5 yrs from now, so bring on these price reductions and let me keep making money!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wallstreet
                    I can tell..

                    It never leaves your blood..

                    Join in, I am having a great year, all positions are green or in the ballpark. I really think come June and a smart Fed that some big dough is to be made..that includes cheapies like:

                    CHTR (refi debt soon, will ease the balance sheet)

                    That is just a few..
                    Hello Wallstreet,
                    Don't forget EAG. I seem to have occasional problems with Successtrade, who do you use?


                    • #11
                      What do you thinkof the nasdaq this year, does it seem to be going sideways compared to previous years?


                      • #12

                        EAG is more speculative...but if it gets to 85 or 80, I would gamble it to a buck..

                        I use Ameritrade and I think the NAZ is range bound, should finish +/- 5% for the year..

                        Hope that helps!

