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  • Wallstreet

    Any opinion on BioCurex?

    Ticker BOCX.PK

    Was told by a broker today to get in on it b/c it could shoot up to the $4-5 range within a couple of weeks. All I know is that they are producing some kind of cancer technology. I am kind of skeptical so just wanted an opinion from someone who follows the market daily.


  • #2

    The stock got crushed today..down 27%

    Had a monster run up in Feb, now retreating.

    I would wait for consolidation and a fill of that big boy gap..

    If you have to buy, consider it 100% speculation and buy in pieces.

    If you cant afford to lose a ton, then dont take this gamble. If you can and it is for sh!ts and giggles, but might be cool to hit a big pay day, then give it a shot..and buy in pieces. So if you want 1000 shares, buy 4 times in 250 lots etc.

    Looks very fishy to me..but what do I know???

