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Calypso Wireless

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  • Calypso Wireless

    thought i'd post this one. I *****'t been around for awhile but thank whoever put me into Sirius Radio at 1.20. I dumped after i doubled but it was a great ride. I tried to pay it back w/ TWTC which was trading at 2.10 then topped out at 12 before settling back to 6.00+.

    I picked up CLYW, it's a pink sheet stock so you will need to enter it to get the quote. I'm in at 1.50. it raced up to 6 on patent information and now has settled back under 4. I'm expecting it to pop in the near future when it gets on the AMEX. I will most likely dump some at that time but not all b/c i think this could be as big as Nokia or some of the other wireless provider stocks. I can't tell you the market cap b/c there is very little info but in reading the quartely report I don't think the float is too big.

    A couple of pikers i've been playing are PTSC at .12 and ampex at 1.65. i got in at .7 and .75 but I still see some promise here. Anyone with any info on any of these? I would love to hear what you think. and as always, keep the tips coming. I *****'t been to the site in a few months and like the new Stock page.

  • #2

    Good stuff, congrats on the big winners.

    Keep posting your thoughts/ideas many here appreciate it!

    This CLYW looks interesting, but March was the time to get in this puppy. If it back fills that gap/move up at around 2, then it might be tempting to me.

    I think the AMEX move could add a few points to the trade, but the AMEX is not the NASDAQ, still think trading and low priced stocks there. I will watch this one closely and see if we get a move lower to start a position.


    • #3
      that's a good call. as you can see by the chart it hasn't dipped under 3 for awhile. I've been thinking of dumping near 4 and trying to buy back around 3 but don't want to miss the AMEX listing bump. After that news I don't expect much to happen for sometime and will try to keep selling it high and buying back low to increase my position until i'm filthy w/ it.

      I'll be checking this spot alot more now that i know it's here.:eek:

      i wish they would have gone for a listing on the nasdaq $$$$$ damn it.

